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Help with .kf Updater!


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Hi to all!


I've made some animations for player. They run properly no problem, & I can set their priority with kfUpdater works cool, but I want to set different priority for each bone (or group of bones) It says it's possible but I think It's a little tricky.

The -s switch allows for an input file file which defines different priorities based on bone names see the Fallout3_KFSettings.ini for an example.

I've tried this one but I can't manage to run it. I used fallout .ini made my own oblivion.ini both not works.Also I upload animation with priority 0, 10, an other low numbers but only my animation shows.


WHAT I WANT to do create some animation effects only a part of body.

Ex; When right hand shaking as in my custom animation, player can run jump etc.


If someone knows how to make it, or someone knows how can I done it in Nifskope please help.

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I make and modify animations for Oblivion since 2 years, and never needed a kfUpdater.


Changing bone priorities can easily be done with NifSkope. Open the file, go to the "0 NiControllerSequence", expand on the Controlled Blocks, and there you see each and every bone with its priority.


I made something similar that way. An idle animation "hands up", with all arm bone priorities at 90. Just don't go beyond 100. :thumbsup:

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Hi fore,


First thank you for your reply.


I checked but there is only "NiTransformInterpolator"s under "NiControllerSequence".


Also I tried with skeleton + attach .kf , when I opened there is many list which includes every bone and none of them has "priority" option.


Could you help? With some pictures maybe?

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It's easy without picture. ;)


You have to click the "0 NiControllerSequence", and then it's in the Block Details window. If you don't have a Block Details window, then open it with View -> Block Details.


Oh yes, there are pictures already available. Goto the Wiki article in my signature, and scroll down to the end. You even can see the priority values there.

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Ok I'll try thanks for flash reply. I didn't except so i can't see. But I'm trying now.


I have block details. I can see all objects under NiControllerSequence --> Controlled Blocks --> Controlled Blocks there is priority block but it's blacked :wallbash: I can't change it. Even I can't select it.


It's like that;


Name Type Value

Priority Byte 0

is it the right block?

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Hey All priorities are 1 but player still runs like piece of log! Still my animation kills others!


PS: Ok it worked great! Problem was too weird I'm telling for help because someone else may encounter similar one in the future;


My idleanims/splook folder (which includes all animations) also available at

"The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion" folder, near the Oblivion.exe!! So game picks animations from there!(The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion/Meshes/splook/anim1 for example) I don't know how this happened but it just.

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