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A weird stutter in FNV thats like the one that the oblivion animation


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basically my fallout new vegas was broken for a while. i then got it fixed, but when i went to play it it has a weird stuttering affect that is not cause by lag or low end computer hardware. I did have a problem like this in the elder scrolls 4 oblivion but i got a mod called the animation fixer which patched it right up. I tried using the animation fixer to help FNV but it couldnt be used on it. If anyone has any idea why its doing this could you post it on this topic, thank you.
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Oblivion Animation Fixer (OAF) is not for stutter but for stuck animations that happen after around 200 hours of play time. The game slows to a crawl when opening doors, chests near flame or in combat.


I think you may mean OSR - Oblivion Stutter Remover. And there is a New Vegas version called' New Vegas Stutter Remover' http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34832

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Oblivion Animation Fixer (OAF) is not for stutter but for stuck animations that happen after around 200 hours of play time. The game slows to a crawl when opening doors, chests near flame or in combat.


I think you may mean OSR - Oblivion Stutter Remover. And there is a New Vegas version called' New Vegas Stutter Remover' http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34832


no, i used that ages ago but it didnt work, this is sort of like my game's camera is jumping, while im moving, its also happening with my ingame mouse, and other things like that.

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Oblivion Animation Fixer (OAF) is not for stutter but for stuck animations that happen after around 200 hours of play time. The game slows to a crawl when opening doors, chests near flame or in combat.


I think you may mean OSR - Oblivion Stutter Remover. And there is a New Vegas version called' New Vegas Stutter Remover' http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34832


no, i used that ages ago but it didnt work, this is sort of like my game's camera is jumping, while im moving, its also happening with my ingame mouse, and other things like that.

I also know thats it an odd one because the jumpy thing seems to happen at the main menu.....

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Its called lag.


Your settings are either too high for your system or you have too many programs and services running in the background.

1. I know what lag is. 2. I know its not lag cause it happens even at the main menu.... with ALL the settings at minimum. I know ist not my laptops specs. cause my laptop is high end (quad core i7's, need I say more?).

So, explain to me then..... WTF IS WRONG WITH MY GAME!!!!!!!.

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