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Upgrade Graphical Card

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So i wanna updgrade my graphical card,because its getting old.

I have a ATI Radeon HD 4350 shapphire,on a destopk pc.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 Yorkfield Socket 775 LGA 4 gygas ram.


I don't have to much experience on this so i need some help.

¿What Graphical card should i get?

I need recomendations for upgrading.

Edited by kazzo92
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GTX 460, GTX 470, GTX 480, GTX 560 Ti, GTX 570, GTX 580, HD 6850/6870, HD 6950/6970

Any of those should be good, pick a few that fit your budget and then google some reviews and comparisons for those cards. (the ones I listed are the ones that I can come up with right now, but there are probably other decent cards out there as well)


Do note that with a more powerful graphics card, you'll need a more powerful power supply. Find out what your current power supply is, what its wattage is.

Edited by Nysba
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I think i am going to get the 6850 HD

I think also i have to changue the power supply to a new one so that's all.


That's the one i need for power supply.

Thanks for replying

Edited by kazzo92
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You definitely do not need a 850W power supply. I think a 550W might be enough, maybe 600 to have some headroom. Of course you can go with an 850W to have some upgradeability in the future though.

And please, don't just buy the one that's cheapest, the power supply isn't something you want to skimp on.

Edited by Nysba
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, don't get a too powerful Graphics card, the rest of your system will bottleneck it. An 6850 or 6870 with an 550 Watt PSU will do you fine.
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I would suggest a PSU Watt range between 600W-650W for future upgrades.



Good point, a 650 bronze rated one, or a 700 watt 80 + or bronze/silver/gold etc.

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