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Conundrum for the experts if you dare....


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Yea, figured out the merge patch, had to rename the program and run it again, what an odd thing, but works none the less,

and yes, I dont see any difference either, except the MOD list gets shorter.

I need to point out that not using a merged patch, especially with mods like FWE and weapon mods, will lead to a few problems. E.g. Weapons/apparel missing items in their repair lists, items missing from vendors, npc's not using the intended weapons, levelled creatures not appearing at all, FWE loot settings no longer working, etc...

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Roger, will keep that in mind, and make a patch regardless, might have to do a

new re-install as I fubared up the FWE install and now I cant remove it again,

still work in progress.


Solved, reinstall FOMM and they are removed from package manager list.





Edited by BigMacDk
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