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Won't start game, shows slides but not "continue, new, etc&#34


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Have you just removed any mods? One reason that can happen is because of invalid entries in the FormID lists, caused by removing a plugin's master or not recreating your merged patch.
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It happens to me often. As far as I understand, it happens when two incompatible mods are active in the load order, merged patch doesn't help (at least for me). I usually merge all the esp's into a single one but it sometimes work, sometimes doesn't. When it doesn't I just remove the last few mods I added and it works fine.
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It happens to me often. As far as I understand, it happens when two incompatible mods are active in the load order, merged patch doesn't help (at least for me). I usually merge all the esp's into a single one but it sometimes work, sometimes doesn't. When it doesn't I just remove the last few mods I added and it works fine.


FO3 edit showed fine, and merged patch was made. Worked initially then on a new start up stopped working.

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DarNifiedUIF3.esp should be one of the first esp's in your load order. Are DarnUI's fonts still in your fallout.ini? Also check that you have all of the DarnUI files in the Data/Menus folder. Edited by iFSS
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FO3 edit showed fine

FO3Edit won't shout out about invalid FormID entries when you load it up, you need to backtrack through it's log, or you need to right-click whichever esp's you suspect and select "Check for errors". Look for "cannot be resolved" errors.

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I moved darn up in the load order and verified all the font folders. No mods have been added or deleted since it last "worked". Normally I'd get the mouse cursor on the Bethesda slide but I don't get the cursor or any words at all. Just stops at the final slide and loops music. Also I reloaded the ini etc with no fix either.

Thanks for the help and suggestions, they're appreciated, have no idea what's causing this.

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Outside chance: copy your current load order to the clipboard with FOMM, and open




in a text editor (alter the location if using XP), delete it's contents, paste the load order, and remove the last two lines (the totals). The game stopped loading some of my plugins out of order after I started doing that.



Last thing I can suggest is to completely reinstall the DarnUI fomod, and start disabling mods til you find a cause. Hope you solve it.

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