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Skyrim textures for Oblivion


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I doubt i'm the only one that has thought that oblivion could get a bit more of a facelift, even though QTP3 makes the game look just stunning but how awesome could oblivion look with the textures from Skyrim. I'm sure someone would be able to convert the files for the pc, personally i think the way skyrim looks is the way they should have done oblivion.


comment your thoughts :D

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What do you mean by convert the files for the pc?

Most of Qarl's textures are probably already higher quality than what we'll get in vanilla Skyrim anyway.


well you know convert the skyrim texture .bsa(or what ever they decide to call it) to the oblivion .bsa to be interprable by the oblivion graphic engine

and im sure that they would make the texture size a lot larger than what they did for oblivion i mean graphic cards now are usually 1GB minimum vram

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What exactly do you mean by Oblivion with Skyrim's textures... armors, weapons, terrain? Because it is not as straight forward as converting a file, especially the entire .bsa. You can't simply change the .dds files either, for example, replacing Oblivions glass armor texture file with Skyrim's would not work because the meshes are different shapes and sizes and the texture would become distorted, stretched, compacted or just simply be in the wrong place.

Also as Caithe mentioned Qarl's textures are already better than Skyrim.

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1) Converting something from 2 games is against the rules.

2) The texture size of the allready good "high ress texture" mods there is, is good enough. Your eyes really can't see the different between 1024x1024 and 4096x4096.

Besides, the texture size is the LEAST of worries if you want to give Oblivion a facelift. Might aswell start with retexturing the whole game, optimizing 90% of the models and get a new shader.


If there is one thing that you could do for Oblivion, it would be to fix the engine, optimize the models and make the models more high poly. Of course, nobody in their right mind would do this, because nobody cares anymore, and we talk about a few years of work.

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I wonder why they never seem to update video games? Why couldn't Bethesda make and sell a remake of Morrowind? Why couldn't they make and sell a remake of Oblivion? The production costs of such software would be much lower than original development costs were, and I am sure that a great many people would be eager to buy those games.
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I may be wrong, but I think that software developers want to use the latest engines for their games to get the best looking graphics. This would prove difficult as all of the graphic coding for Morrowind as well as Oblivion if they redid it, would have to be scrapped rewritten to address what is available in the new engine. Part of the problem too is that the coders from the original games may not be working for Bethesda anymore. Reverse engineering someone else's code can take quite some time and might end up with dirtier coding due to the way it was originally written.
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@David Brasher


They can't remake games, because it takes time. They also risk not gaining a big enough profit, since only nostalgic players will really play it.

If you knew how much work it woul be to remake Oblivion into something better ... Have you seen how some of the models are? How the texture are? Not next-gen standard. Of course, this is understandable. It's a huge game, and this was when Normal Maps wasn't fully used in the industry.


Only a few games ever get remake, and that is because of really big demand. Oblivion/Morrowind is not THAT popular, even if WE want it to be so. Half the people I know never heard of it and thoose who do, dismiss it and even nicknamed the Elder Scroll series "Flying hammer game". This happened because I played it when they watched, and all they saw was the hammer I held.


Take OOT, for instance. It got a huge demand, everybody and their pets who is over 14 have played it, and most of thoose did enjoy it. It was also such an old game it wasn't too hard to work off of.

These games are not the same. Bigger and messier.


No. Let the past be the past. Forward is the only way to go.




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The method that a company would use to remake an old game would be to use the latest game engine. So in most cases, they really would not care how the old code worked and no one would have to understand it. So if there were three mud crab spawn points on a certain beach, then they would place three new-style mud crab spawn points on that particular beach. Much of the process could be automated, because the professionals have skills and resources that we do not. The computer could search and replace all old-style mud crab spawn points with new style ones. Wouldn't it be nifty if each time they released a game, they didn't just scrap the old one, but added the new one on to it? So we could have a game that would include the lands of Morrowind, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim.


Mark my words. After Skyrim comes out, people are going to start making mods that add Oblivion and Morrowind content to it.

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