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Skyrim textures for Oblivion


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The method that a company would use to remake an old game would be to use the latest game engine

Which consists of a lot of tedious work. Most models would need an overhaul, most code would need an overhaul, most animations would need one too. Changing engine is NOT done in a second.


because the professionals have skills and resources that we do not

You underestimate a lot of modders. I know modders who got the skillset of a proffesional. Heck, I know MANY.

It is still a LOT of work for Bethesda, and it would cost a lot. How do you know a remake is worth it? If it is not, they've lost money and TIME. Time is the key here, by the way.

Spend 1 year remaking a game, and another game is pushed 1 year. And you do know they got the next 6 years planned with games? They are probably allready making a new game besides Skyrim. How can they take out 20 code monkies to finish the new engine and import it all?


Wouldn't it be nifty if each time they released a game, they didn't just scrap the old one, but added the new one on to it? So we could have a game that would include the lands of Morrowind, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim.

Would be lovely with a 150Gig game that needed 24 discs to install, no?


Mark my words. After Skyrim comes out, people are going to start making mods that add Oblivion and Morrowind content to it.

You are right, people will. This is agaist the rules, however. Unless the models are custom made, which means Bethesda got no claim what you do.



I understand your piint, but you see this very one-sided. Bethesda is not in a super good financial position. If you didn't know, no game company exept blizzard is. There is talk that if another financial crisis happens to the world, lots of studios will be wiped out. Pirating game have certainly not made it easy to be a game artist!

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Would be lovely with a 150Gig game that needed 24 discs to install, no?


It would not be a 24-disc game. Oblivion comes on two disks. So if Morrowind came on two, and Skyrim came on two, then that would be a 6-disk game.

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My point still stands. It would not benefit anybody, other than a few people who wants 1 character to run through 100 levels in 3 games.


The bigger game, the more bugs. The more bugs, the more work. The more work, the more money. The more money, the less profit.

Even if you just slap the 3 games toggether, bugs will appear. If they build ontop of each other, bugs will appear. It's not profitable either way.

Bethesda is not in any super financiated situation, lie 90% of every studio today. They really can't go all out. If blizzard decided to take over TES, then perhaps they could've slap it all together.


Again, I understand you, I just don't see the possibility.




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You might take a peek at the Sheogorad project, the M----------- project and several others to see how much progress amateurs have made at recreating one game within another game engine. With the skill that various people have, it is amazing what can be accomplished.


It often seems that people are just obsessed with the new. It borders on Nihilism. Some of them just want to destroy everything old and only have new things around them. Some people are very attuned to fashion and could not bear to have last years things laying around when the new stuff is available. I sort of feel that there can be great beauty and value in things that are not the "latest and greatest." Materialism can be detrimental to contentment, centeredness, and the spiritual striving for oneness with creation.

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You might take a peek at the Sheogorad project, the M----------- project and several others to see how much progress amateurs have made at recreating one game within another game engine. With the skill that various people have, it is amazing what can be accomplished.

Irrelevant. recrating a game with custom meshes is legal, using it from another game is not. This is not what we are talking about, however. We are talking about bethesda doing it, and they would not profit.


It often seems that people are just obsessed with the new.

Nothing can stay fun forever. Oblivion is years old, but still active. Heck, morrowind is relatively active, and is even older! It beats 99% of every game out there in terms of living-age.

So, yes - new is good. Modders can't keep up with what people want, only game developers can.


great beauty and value

*Looks at the awefull walking animation the last games* Yeah. It's great, real great.




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You might take a peek at the Sheogorad project, the M----------- project and several others to see how much progress amateurs have made at recreating one game within another game engine. With the skill that various people have, it is amazing what can be accomplished.


great beauty and value

*Looks at the awefull walking animation the last games* Yeah. It's great, real great.





Can you do better?

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Can you do better?

Thats totally relevant to the discussion.


We talk about:

A) Why porting A over to B is not legal, unless you make everything yourself.

B) Why Bethesda can't merge down the games into 1, and build on top of it.


What I can, and can't, do is part of neither.

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Irrelevant. recreating a game with custom meshes is legal, using it from another game is not. This is not what we are talking about, however. We are talking about bethesda doing it, and they would not profit.

Irrelevant? You do know that they are custom meshes and textures from scratch and that they have paid special attention to it that they would never get in trouble? That project involved a few of the best modders that are out there and they did their job quite well. Bethesda will never fully recreate any of their games and that is a simple fact. It has little to do with time, less with money and more with the fact it is simply boring for them with no real challenge posed either. It wastes time and money if they did yeah, but so is a lot of the things we should do not do. The only thing they can do is try to combine parts of them in new games and it is something they have done with Skyrim. For instance: they added parts of morrowind music, returned the dwemer and tried to add a particular atmosphere to the game. It is as closest they could copy from their past games and the main reason why the are doing it is because their previous games lacked some elements their older games made special. Morrowind was a lot about atmosphere, something that bethsoft can't bring back by recreating the models as they would get issues with the old content creators if it'd look much the same. Those models and looks bring up a lot of good memories of people however. What those modders did there is allowing anyone to use that content yet again in Skyrim, I don't think much will care to have any content remade for oblivion as it has not made much of a significant impact. Only oblivion gates/areas en ayleid dungeons were possible to dab as 'special'.


Bethesda's animations are build by themselves and in their last game they are using a led suit like some other companies have. It has to do with bethshoft, not even Bethesda. As the big thing vs. other games is that they don't look much into their animations as they rather like to focus on the gameplay, unlike some other games which are so linear and show that much in-game breaks that all you do 90% is looking at pre-set animations and characters. If they would lack on that subject their whole game would be a fail, for bethsoft's games not so much. It is their interpretation on how a character most likely moves around in that time as they have done the movements themselves, so yeah..maybe they should hire more catwalk models and have less time to spend on other things as it takes a load of time to work with those types of people.


You're seemingly trying to move it to an impasse blaming Bethesda for the issue while the solution is far more simple and that is people recreating it themselves. If people complain about something of Bethesda's games it is Bethesda also allowing people to change it to whatever custom way they like. The main discussion of this thread is about re-using the looks, feeling and design of content from other games and not necessarily the exact same content. This place is also about modding and modding requests, asking Bethesda to do it seems rather pointless as it would have been with any other company. The difference however is that you can make a change more easily with this game and the old rule stands that if you don't like it...try to do it better yourself as nothing is holding you back to do so. Another thing you might have missed out is that the only potential way they would improve their games is to let them be remade by modders that so happen to put their work under a company so they can release it and use assets only 'companies' can get. There are quite a few other games out there that did. You want a change? Make the change. Around here it would be simply by releasing a plugin, we do not even have to go all crazy sized to get some things moving legally.

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You do know that they are custom meshes and textures from scratch and that they have paid special attention to it that they would never get in trouble?

Thanks for telling me what I've been saying.


That project involved a few of the best modders that are out there

I believe I wrote that a while back. Hm..


It has little to do with time, less with money and more with the fact it is simply boring for them with no real challenge posed either

The game industry is not a challenge. It's ALL about money. If they new they'd earn a lot on a recreation of Oblivion/Morrowind, theyd do it. They won't however.

If you believe money is not a factor, you seem to mix proffesional who LIVES on this, and modders who does it for fun.


her games is that they don't look much into their animations

My point exactly, and why I took it up. They focus too little on animations. Hence I like to look forward for the better, not back for the "beautifull":


maybe they should hire more catwalk models and have less time to spend on other things as it takes a load of time to work with those types of people.

It takes them a few days to hire a few guys to get the right movements. They can also buy 90% of the animations they would need, and change them slightly.

Here comes "MONEY" in again, and as you see - it is a problem.


This place is also about modding and modding requests

Glad we agree there.


try to do it better yourself as nothing is holding you back to do so

I am working requests daily. I think I do my share for now, no?


You want a change? Make the change. Around here it would be simply by releasing a plugin

Glad we agree yet again!


Now, are you actually arguing with me, or against me? You quoted me, but most of these points are directed at that other guy, whom name escaped me right now.

Want a TL;DR of what all my points are?


TL;DR for the whole topic:

- Porting Model A from game A to Game B is illegal. Making a custom mesh, using Model A as a reference is legal.

- They can't merge the games together into 1, because it would give too much trouble and take too much space.

- They won't recreate older games because they don't got time or money. Money is a huge factor today, when game studios fall like bricks.

- Most modders ARE as proffesional as any proffesional. Some ARE even proffesional.

- Looking forward is the way to go. I won't look back for the "beauty", when the animations are terribad. I am not blaming anybody there, of course.


I believe this is about every point you tried to make too, no?


I hope my points don't come across offensive, as that is not what I aim for.




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I was simply supporting alonso's argument, who likes to be a little short on his words. :rolleyes: and yes I tend to write more than needed making things just an extension of your arguments :tongue:

I'm not bashing on your input and it isn't personal at all concerning modding. It's often used in discussions around here to tell people to make a change if they want to see a change as it isn't going to happen otherwise and the companies that create these games will do it neither.

I know of at least 3 bodies that are being created for Skyrim that are in a wip stage for a few months already, because those people know they will not be satisfied with those of Skyrim.


My only remark on your posts is that you still keep focus on impossibilities in a topic that asks for possibilities and that is the point I'm trying to make. The possibilities to use skyrim textures for oblivion is limited, but nothing is stopping anyone from creating adjusted nif files that use textures from skyrim if the last are never included. The validity/pointless end for doing this is rather obvious, but the topic strayed off rather quickly into a new discussion anyway. What I mean with this is if they don't spend money on animations being better, it's a vicious circle we can't change or influence but in the way of someone creating better ones as we are possible to do so with the tools they and the community gave us. Again when I never said you in person has to do it, but some modder would have to do it if to see a change. That is the relevancy to the topic, I apologise if I got it across too personal.


I wholeheartedly agree on the TL;DR points you give versus the impossibilities of using older contents from other games and that they'll never recreate the games. Essentially it is even impossible for morrowind because of the lore books they have released. In skyrim this might be even more the case for oblivion when we'll get a new flow of lore about the past 200 years.


The game industry is not a challenge. It's ALL about money. If they new they'd earn a lot on a recreation of Oblivion/Morrowind, theyd do it. They won't however.

If you believe money is not a factor, you seem to mix professional who LIVES on this, and modders who does it for fun.

I never said money is no factor at all, I will agree I exaggerated it had little influence as they do value their abilities to pay their bills on a secure long term of course. The reason I said they liked a new challenge is because it is one of the reasons they have created fallout 3. Is it an ultimate target of Bethesda to get FPS players to play their other games, in this case Skyrim and ES players to play Fallout 3 before and 4 in the future? Most likely, but for Bethesda, not Bethsoft. Bethsoft hired different people with fallout 3 that were more focussed at shooters and those are the people that have been working at Skyrim again. For them it will be a challenge again to work on a fantasy styled game as it was vice versa for morrowind/oblivion designers on Fo3, it gives a nice synergy though. If you believe money is the sole ruling factor for game designers/developers instead of publishers you're heading a way I can't follow. They are severely limited by the boundaries that publishers give, but that doesn't stop them from pursuing their own ends. I had a friend who visited Bethsoft last summer and had a few talks with several people working there, I doubt they were all lying to him.

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