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Ammo Recipe from Form List?


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Yes I know how they are made now, what I am/was trying to do is allow for multiple items to make the same thing while not requiring all of them.


IE: Tin Can or Bent Tin Can or Scrap Metal = Ammo X.


Apparently it is not possible to do this so I just added it to vendors vs having it as a crafted item.

Edited by WastelandRedneck
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You should check out my mod, Craft Master: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43920

Along with Craft Pack: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43918 that currently supports it providing the basic breakdown recipes and such.


Basicly, what it does it add universal things that components can be broken down into.

ie, any steel object (More or less) can be broken down into 'Steel' and then used for a recipe.

And by using the same master, Your mods 'Steel' is the same as my mods 'Steel'


Craft pack serves as a basis for use of craft master, but your free to redo any part of craft pack on your own to your own balance taste. Ie have your own version of misc breakdown recipes.esp, or advocate that weapon breakdown.esp not be used, etc.

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