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How to retexture Weapons?


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OK, so I'm making a mod for a unique Anti Materiel Rifle, and I've searched EVERYWHERE and I cannot find a tut for retexturing weapons. I only want the unqiue AMR to be retextured, not the normal one, so any help or even if someone would do it for me, I will give credit + anything else I can. I've managed to work out I need to open .DDS files or something, and I got the plugin for GIMP to do this, and I have made some, but where do I put them?



Edited by TheAmazingPixel
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have you actually made the new texture??

if so, you need to open the model (mesh) in NifSkope, then set the path for the new texture, and save it as a new model


hope this helps


also, if you do know how to texture, could you help me?? i wanted to give it a try for a long time, but was never truly successful


Thanks, but your advice is a bit broad. How do I do these things? I can open the model, but how to I change the texture and where do I put it?

Edited by TheAmazingPixel
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