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ADAM Issue


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With the Hi-rez armor, I have issues. The textures aren't showing up and the gloves are changing textures whenever I change direction/camera location. I have CR-HD Honest Hearts installed, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Any help would be appreciated.
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I'm having a similar problem with the same mod, and cycling archive invalidation hasn't worked for me either. Not sure if it's a missing texture on my part, but the headgear appears very, very dark. The tubes definitely have a texture issue, as they flicker when moving. I'm not sure if I'm up for a clean install of F:NV, so I haven't tried that; have you?


If you hear anything, or get it working from advice outside the thread, can you shoot me a message and let me know? If I stumble upon anything, I'll be sure to shoot it your direction.

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Alright, so today, I grabbed the HH and LR versions, deleted the CR-HD HH texture, and redownloaded the normal NCR armor Hi-Rez. Now everything works fine.
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