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Skyrim already causing me problems


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Perhaps you should start having a hobby interesting enough so that you're not thinking about Skyrim that much. There's more to life than gaming ;)

WHAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who let this guy in here? Every one knows there is ONLY gaming life is just the time u have to waste during an update lol yeah I know I picked up a great hobby ........ SLEEPING makes the time go way faster.



J/k I'll probably start writing again

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I have been feeling really weird lately , so I went to the dr and the dr told me I have a lot of stress and/ anxiety. Then he asked me if there was anything that was making me worried . I said no . Then he asked me iS there any thing making you excited . I said he'll yes a game I have been waiting like 5 years for is coming out in November he said oh you mean skyrim . So I got excited and started blabing on about it. He then told me ok I know your problem your way to excited my advice is chill out it's just a gamej I'm causing my self to much anxiety thinking about it to much. He told me to read a book or find a hobby to take my mind off of it then he subscribed me some meds to calm me down. When I got home I was thinking to my self I have had the same dr for 11 years and I cane to the conclusion this dr is a quack........



Comments, flamers, trolls commence trash talk :P

Yea true dat. My therapist said I'm obsessing about Skyrim too much. Said I just calm and think it's just a game. I said no way man! That's my life.

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I feel like I should be on meds, though I think it was worse when I was waiting for Fable 3 to come out on PC. Oh the horror :facepalm: I thought my friends were going to send me to a mental institution.....I was obsessed. And I knew Skyrim was coming out and you know what? A month or so ago it was fine, just another game I was planning on getting but now, I'm here talking about it 24/7, counting down days, hours, minutes, drawing about it, ANNNNNND reading every article/watching every video about it :wallbash:


So close yet so far, I remember when it was first announced.....*sigh* now we just need to get through October. Monday is the beginning of the true battle of the wait of Skyrim. DUN DUN DUN

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BROTHERS of skyrim , my fellow dragonborn. Our toughest battle with our cursed enemy TIME, is near.!


Stand with me brothers , busy your idle hands. For Bordem is TIME'S greatest weapon.


Do not sit idle whilst risk becoming mad in the mind! Play your games. Read your books. Wright your storys draw your art!


For the month of October will be the longest month of our life. Dig in your heels and say NAY I will not sit idle to be consumed by the beast of time. Be stoic to time . Together I promise we will see the glory epicness known as Skyrim

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