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Help With Harkness Script

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Warning ahead of time: If you object to anything that I am proposing here, then I can additionally make this proposed action add extremely negative Karma to the player. I just want this mod to happen.



Edit 1: I managed to clone the "A3-21..." dialogue, so that there is one goodbye version for when the player doesn't have the Robotics Expert perk and one non-goodbye version for when s/he does. So what I need then is for the "Target HasPerk RoboticsExpert == 1" dialogue line to completely redirect to a new set of dialogue....


Edit 2: Okay, found stopquest and startquest, so I can use those instead. Woo! Almost done.




The thing I need is for Harkness to have a new name after having his memory reset. What that means is, the scene has to be like this:



[Harkness gets reset and is renamed A3-21* after he gets up. Everything else, I handled it.]


A3-21: A3-21... awaiting initialization protocol parameters...


Luna: [grabs hand] A3-21, initialize social imprinting, authorization code: Cirrus. Socrates. Particle. Decibel. Hurricane. Dolphin. Tulip. Luna. Rigel. Luna.


[At this point, A3-21 should be renamed "Rigel".]


Rigel: [insert dialogue here]


So basically, all I need to know now is how to change Harkness's NAME (NOT his ID, but his in-game name) using either Quest scripts or Script scripts.

Edited by mindumindumindu
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If all you need to do is change his in-game display name then you can use setactorfullname in a script. For example you can put something in a Quest script similar to below or it should work in some other script. The NPC's name actually changes to the "Title" of a Message you make for that purpose. If you need it done multiple times, say to A3-21 and then Rigel, just set some triggers in dialogue for scripts to use.

if DoOnce == 0
	HarknessRef.SetActorFullName NameChangeMessage
	set DoOnce to 1
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If all you need to do is change his in-game display name then you can use setactorfullname in a script. For example you can put something in a Quest script similar to below or it should work in some other script. The NPC's name actually changes to the "Title" of a Message you make for that purpose. If you need it done multiple times, say to A3-21 and then Rigel, just set some triggers in dialogue for scripts to use.

if DoOnce == 0
	HarknessRef.SetActorFullName NameChangeMessage
	set DoOnce to 1

Hmm...from the anatomy of the script, it seems that a message box would pop up, similar to the message prompt displayed at the very beginning of the birth scene for the player. (Or when you choose to rename yourself at the exit door of Vault 101). So I would have to set the name manually after it runs...hmm, not bad. More than acceptable, even. I think I'll try putting this script to rename Harkness to "Rigel", skipping the A3-21 stage (I'm not really fussy, so it's fine for personal use.)


Thank you, will try this script and report back between one to two weeks afterwards. (When I actually have time to play up to Rivet City and all.)

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I know it seems like you would get the popup, but it does not do so. It just seamlessly makes the name change. The command just seems to take the title of the message and make the change. Odd way for it to work, but I would expect no less from the GECK. :)

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EDIT: Fixed it, thanks to some people from chat. The MSG isn't appearing anymore and since it turns out I did have some time, I will test it once its finished.

(I forgot to create a MSG box for the script to refer to, so that's why it was "looping", as per the helper's response.) Now I just have to write the rest of the follower scripts, which definitely will take time. When I finish, I will update this thread with screenshots.



What am I doing wrong!?!

scn HarknessNameChange

short RigelChange

Begin MenuMode 2

if RigelChange == 0
	HarknessREF.SetActorFullName NameChangeRigel
	set RigelChange to 1


It keeps saying, "Item: 'NameChangeRigel' not found for parameter message" and it does the same if I keep it at NameChangeMessage! ><

Edited by mindumindumindu
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The Message "ID" needs to be NameChangeRigel to match the script if it is not already. The Message "Title" would just say Rigel or whatever name you wanted the NPC to be renamed.

Yeah thanks Vic. Changed it already.

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