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Stealth Warfare - A Stealthboy Reflex-Sights fix


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Story goes, in the past, I and others had used a mod that replaced the reflex dot with more of an overlaid dot. Or, we taped a tiny green circle onto our monitors. Why? Because as stealthboy junkies everywhere remember, once you stealth, you lose the precious dot that helps you aim your weapon at the enemy.


But we didn't have the CK before. So when I heard the beta was being released, it dawned on me...
Could we request a fix for this? A way to keep that reflex-dot in its original form, despite stealthing?


Naturally, I've done what anyone without modding experience who'd like to see something does.

I came here to beg and plead toss the thought into the void and see if someone might pick it up.


Here's to hoping!

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