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Settlement Happiness Bug Mod


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Mod Request:

So the way my brain works is that if the modding community could fix this bug as it is they would have probably already done so. That being said, my thought was what about a mod that just sets a minimum on settlement happiness at like 40%. No matter how shitty the game thinks the conditions are the happiness never drops below 40%. If that isn't possible maybe a mod that just locks happiness to a number like 50% or 80% so that it never changes. My idea/request is just to make a mod that removes all concern for a settlement going below 20% happiness, one that stops my settlers from freaking out about problems they don't have. I give these fools food, water, plasma weapons, armor, beds and a roof and still they get all pissy cuz when I walk too far away, the game bugs out.


Each of my characters over the last 400+ hours has had local leader, and I enjoy building a network of stable settlements. This bug is ruining my survival play through and I know it's doing the same for other people. If I had the understanding I would do it myself but I don't know how to, so to anyone reading this: Be a modding hero and create something that stops settlements from freaking out or hitting lower happiness levels.


My personal experience:

Playing on survival, 82 hours in with settlements across the map. I started to notice problems with water first, some settlements would say not enough water even though I am producing well over 300. Then I started to noticed at Redrocket my population would climb up to 41 even though my max is 24, without enough beds they would get pissy fast so I run up and all the extras are gone. I put 41 beds in Redrocket and since I did so, I haven't had problems with the population; and I've just put 8 or 9 water pumps at every settlement so the random water outages don't piss off the populations. Now the new problem is the settlement bug I've been reading about that doesn't seem to have a real solution yet. First off let me say this has nothing to do with Jukeboxes or TVs lol. I have none in any of my settlements, also as I'm playing on survival I can't fast travel so that isn't the cause of the problem either. I go to Abernathy Farm because it is listed as 0 water 0 beds 0 defense. As soon as I roll up they go from sad to happy, my water, beds and defenses are fine there, sucks though because in one game day my happiness went from 75% to 40%. I check my map, next stop is the Drive In it seems to have the same problem, I walk just down the hill, and find every single one of my 24 settlers is now jobless. So I gather them up, and give them all their jobs back, water, beds and defense is good, I check my map Abernathy Farm is reading 0/0/0 again in the same game day. Graygarden has been on a happiness decline down to less than 20%, they have more food, water, beds and defense than what they need with decorations that make no difference. Even when I'm standing in the settlement, Graygarden happiness is on the deline and currently seems to on track to be the only settlement I'll have ever lost in all of my game saves.


At this point until the bug is fixed or a mod can work around it, I can't enjoy playing this game. I won't be playing it until a solution is found, which really sucks. I'll be checking back here to see if anyone has posted anything until a fix is made.

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yeah, i am kind of surprised more attention has not been garnered by this issue. maybe it is fixed and I am just doing something wrong but like greygarden has everything in white, has not been attacked, no fataliites, but happiness is going down.

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