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What is a Patriot?


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There seems to be several variations of this title, depending on which party is in power and what is going on with the world.

It seems every time a controversy appears the one's doing the organization are the one's that use this term the most.


Are patriots those who blindly goosestep over a cliff for their illustrious leaders, or are the patriots those that point out concerns that such activity might bring?

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it is someone who played for the New England football team in the US NFL.



but really, its simply one who has a strong devotion to their country. and i think its more of a self proclaimed title. two people can both say they have a strong devotion to their country, but their levels of devotion could differ when looked at by a 3rd party, even though both of them feel the same lvl of devotion. some people are devoted to our government as it is. some are devoted to our Constitution whom you could consider real Patriots since the term in the US came from those who support the US against the British in the American Revolution. but again its really an ambiguous term.

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In my opinion a patriot is someone who overall loves the country they're born in itself, but have the courage to stand up against the actions of those that threaten the freedom and well being of their country's people. A patriot has the courage to stand up to corrupt politicians, greedy and unethical businesses, and fundamentalism.


Also in my opinion, a patriot doesn't have to reside in the country they were born in. Many people from around the world still have a devotion to their country of birth, but have to/choose to move due to instability or the actions of those mentioned above.

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What exactly a true patriot is is a very hard question to answer, but I'll try anyway. I think that a patriot is someone who puts the welfare, defense and interests of their land above their own personal interests and safety. It requires being willing to serve the nation before serving yourself. Though blind patriotism can be as deadly as a lack of patriotism, so in that respect my primary allegiance is to the Constitution rather than any current government, since I consider that document to be the base idea that all other concepts flow from. I may or may not be true patriot but I have spent time with many that I would give that accolade to. I am leery of those that wrap themselves in the flag because I am reminded of a droll saying of Samuel Johnson.."Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"..which all to frequently has been true. But I do know a place where many Patriots reside....Arlington, an afternoon there is always a humbling experience.
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A true patriot is not someone who blindly follows a country.


A true patriot is someone who follows a country with good morals, a country that has a good goal and a good government.


You are not a patriot if you follow a country without regards to what the country has done, you are just brainwashed.


Maybe my definition is wrong, but if a patriot is really someone who blindly follows their country I have no idea why anyone would want to be one.

Edited by marharth
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I think that is missing the point. Most people are defining patriotism not as a blind thing, but as an over-riding desire to serve the welfare of their nation and the people in it. A desire for the greater good. It may involve doing something you may not want to do, but feel you have no choice about so doing, if that greater good is to be achieved. This was what many of those to be found in Arlington and the many war cemeteries worldwide felt. And at 11am on 11/11 I won't be playing Skyrim, I will be stood listening to a cannon boom, the Last Post and two minutes silence, in their memory.


Patriotism may even involve defiance of a government and revolt, if that government is behaving in a manner that contravenes a constitution and human rights.

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A true patriot is not someone who blindly follows a country.


A true patriot is someone who follows a country with good morals, a country that has a good goal and a good government.


You are not a patriot if you follow a country without regards to what the country has done, you are just brainwashed.


Maybe my definition is wrong, but if a patriot is really someone who blindly follows their country I have no idea why anyone would want to be one.

Marharth I agree entirely here, indeed, as some others have pointed out as well, a true patriot is someone who helps the country instead of being a blinded automaton following the every whim of a potentially corrupt government.

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