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Problem with Model after switching a Body Mesh (Nifscope/Blender prob)


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Hi everyone,


So what happened? I was adapting some armor to another body mesh, as I did before, at first I only changed the lowerbody but because I was not pleased with the result InGame I decided to switch the Upper Body too, I did and after exporting the Mesh from Blender and optimizing it in NifScope it was messed up. The fingers and the lower body were just hanging around, I tried to find the reason and found out that the rotation of some NiNodes in NifScope had changed (e.g. from Y: -90 P: 87.4 R: 90 to Y: -0 P: 0 R -90 for the "Bip01 L Foot") those are the Nodes that got messed up. When I try to change the coordinates manually the Mesh is messing up in the NifScope, so I don't think that's the right way to fix the issue. Have you an Idea what could have coursed the problem or how I could fix it? I'm new to Blender and NifScope and after some successful edits this is the first problem that I can't solve. I never switched the upperbody-mesh before so maybe there was the source of the mess, may I have forgot something important?


What I exactly did: I deleted the upperbody mesh; I imported the new upperbody; I deleted the skeleton of the new upperbody; I set the old skeleton as parent for the new upperbody; I adapted the chestarmor mesh to the new upperbody (it was just a very small edit using proportional editing); I cutted a part of the new upperbody as the old upperbody was cut there as well; I exported the model to a .nif and optimized it using the "Optimize"->"Combining Shapes" option; I replaced the old .nif with my new one and looked it up ingame.


Pls help me masters of editing :mellow:


Greetings Patzy

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I believe it is a skeleton issue. Make sure your nif file does not have two scene roots Also, delete and unparent your mesh in Blender, then import the VANILLA skeleton and parent it again.... if that doesnt work, send it to me and I can mess around with it.
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