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Parts of meshes not appearing ingame


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I'm still sort of a novice at making clothes, but I'm getting there. Recently I keep running into an odd problem. I will make a .nif file with multiple objects, so far just modified vanilla resources. Sometimes I rescale things to fit differently. Lately I've been plagued with a problem where things show up right in Blender, the exported file displays correctly in nifskope, then when I load the mesh into the game... one of the objects in the mesh doesn't display and just shows the body underneath. Does anyone know how to correct this problem? I know it's not an issue with texture paths because I'm closely mimicing the vanilla file structure, and a lot of these use the vanilla textures.
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If you have alpha set to zero it will be totally transparent, so check that. You also need shadow map ticked for rigged armors.


You saved me again. Thanks!


EDIT: It fixed the one mesh, but the one object (a vault security vest) has an alpha property of 1.0 and has shadowmap checked.

Edited by LoogieMkII
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The stencil properties are in good order. I think this might be a problem in blender. Both objects have in common that I exported them by themselves with no skeleton, then imported them into the blend file I was working on.


I don't have time to post screens of nifskope - I need to get to work. But thank you for the help so far.

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