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Oblivion GOTY and Knights of the Nine DLC


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Long time lurker, first time poster here.


I plan on getting the GOTY edition of Oblivion sometime around December when I build my new computer. I already know that Oblivion GOTY does not include the other DLC (Horse Armor, The Orrery, Wizard's Tower, Vile Lair, Thieves Den, Mehrunes' Razor, and Spell Tomes), but would like to know if I could install those from a KotN retail disk even if I already have the main KotN quest installed as part of the GOTY edition. I'm a borderline-obsessive completist so I have no problem buying the Knights of the Nine retail disk considering how cheap it is right now, but I'd rather avoid having to buy them online.



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You should have no problem, although I don't know how the disk installs (modular or all at once?). If it does do all at once, then it should just overwrite your existing KotN files (which shouldn't harm it) whilst installing the others.


I don't know exactly, I got all the DCL mods off of the website. But I've got the experience when it comes to installing things, the hard way too. :P But like I said, you should have no problem.

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