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Dead Island


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I'm really enjoying this game, it's fun, gory and there are many things to do.


I dislike the whole "revive in 7 seconds", there should have been manual save. autiosaves etc options (you die go to the previous save) and bugs.

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my game destroyed my save files.... twice. its well known game ending bug and there has been no patch for it 24 days later. this is getting ridiculousness.


There are some possible fixes in this thread. The bug does seem to have something to do with the size of your inventory, I'm selling everything I come across to keep mine to a minimum.




there's no fix, the "fix" is dont buy or carry to much. but saves are still gone. thats not a fix the bug can still destroy your saves its now 30 days after release and still no patch. really pathetic.

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I decided to give it another try, its ok at best.

The driving is crap though.


... because it wasn't meant to be a driving game.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif


yeah but its still a pretty decent sized factor in the game. They could have at least made it bearable.

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I decided to give it another try, its ok at best.

The driving is crap though.


... because it wasn't meant to be a driving game.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif


yeah but its still a pretty decent sized factor in the game. They could have at least made it bearable.


Personally I found it.... Different.

Being able to see from the drivers perspective only adds immersion. It wasn't added to be pleasant though. You just used it to get from A to B quickly then just dump it and pick up another.

Highly annoying though if you should crash in an odd position... That car is going NO WHERE :P

I remember once driving back from

the lab

and accidentally driving off the side of a cliff... I managed to walk back up... but that truck is forever doomed... Until another respawns in its spot :/


Although I never liked the fact that they are so numerous. I wanted to have one truck, not loads.

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I decided to give it another try, its ok at best.

The driving is crap though.


... because it wasn't meant to be a driving game.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif


yeah but its still a pretty decent sized factor in the game. They could have at least made it bearable.


I didn't find the driving unbearable. It could have done with a bit of tweaking, but it never outright bothered me.


Finished the game on Tuesday. If you're in the jungle and playing solo, carry extra weapons with you at all times. There was one part where there were literally no workbenches about, and the game just kept spawning zombies. Couldn't get past it as all my weapons broke. Had to get a friend to come bail me out with co-op. :/

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I decided to give it another try, its ok at best.

The driving is crap though.


... because it wasn't meant to be a driving game.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif


yeah but its still a pretty decent sized factor in the game. They could have at least made it bearable.


I didn't find the driving unbearable. It could have done with a bit of tweaking, but it never outright bothered me.


Finished the game on Tuesday. If you're in the jungle and playing solo, carry extra weapons with you at all times. There was one part where there were literally no workbenches about, and the game just kept spawning zombies. Couldn't get past it as all my weapons broke. Had to get a friend to come bail me out with co-op. :/


I just solo'd the entire game.

Co-op makes it much more fun though :P

The key to survival is to simply keep getting more inventory and repairing your weapons at almost every workbench you find.

Another chunk of survival advice is to mod the inventory.scr so that you can carry 10 soda cans at once. It can save your backside on many occasions, but not too overpowered that you never die. I died lots of times haha. I just found it silly that you could carry unlimited items, lots of weapons (Come now, it is very unrealistic to have that many on you) and you couldn't carry one snack bar? Or one soda can?


I am very impressed with Dead Island, it's a fantastic game. Very much worthy of a sequel :P

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Im playing it a lot lately and i must tell you it gets more and more better every second of gameplay...Especially because everyone is 3 levels higher than me and i am almost turning out alive when horde attacks me :D
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