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A Round of Applause for Every Modder


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A search of the words "thank you" didn't return anything. So here's a new topic.


Here, on the eve of the coming of Skyrim, as I look back at years of running around Cyrodiil and the Isles, o b l i v i o u s of lesser games, I want to offer a thank you to Bethesda and to every technical genius who ever put a mod on tesnexus. You're all geniuses to me. I remember days of Vanilla wandering. Big world. Fun. Nice views. And then there's the world of limitless possiblities, endless goodies to be found on tesnexus, and amazing creativity. So my thanks first to the monkey god - Wrye Bash - the King Genius of them all whose foresight makes all things modded possible. I've got all these Better Cities, a Cyrodiil with No Borders, and I labor beneath Sorcery's Toll! I am armed with a Thieves Arsenal bought from that sleasy gutter dweller Basso the Magnificent or so I name him for he's got some awesome stuff! My Vows and Covenants I cannot break lest I suffer the wrath of my current patron deity! The art of Robert who makes my painstakingly created character come to life! And Slof, my gracious, the artistry of that one who makes my Facegened imaginings so much the more fun! I've delved into the world of an archaeology guild, eaten the psychedelic pepper, rebuilt Dwemer droids and found Lost Spires aplenty! I've run around with Ruined Tale and this Naked Nord and wondered at some Sentient Weapon talking to me! I've been to Moriarcris, the city of the dead! I've exchanged gold for arcane knowledge and shared a beer with Midas and his merry fraternal brethren! And aye, my Reflexes are Deadly despite my drunkenness whilst sampling, I don't know, a few hundred micro-brews I now find in Cyrodiil? And Darnified if I haven't seen the depths of Frostcrag Reborn, Revisited, Reimagined! Yeah, 'twas Elys who made my dreams of mortality Uncapped, made of me the godly juggernaut I knew I could be! Cheater's "Fast Travel"? Nay, I call an Akatosh Mount or a Necromancer's Mount or a Rideable Slaughterfish to me and travel as befits a wizard of my standing! My Magicka is Fearsome! My Resistance is Willful! My Enchanting is Skilled! And I, oh my, but the potions I can create as a Grandmaster of Alchemy! Kneel, fall, grovel before me ye Dremoran horde! I am Malevolent! I am a new recruit in the ImpeREAL Legion! I know how to get into the secret Sika's Dwemer Subways! (Did you know those Dwemer were digging about under there? Smart ones, those Dwemers.) My HotKeys are Expanded! My Motion is Blurred! I'm Pythoned, Puggy-ed, Nif-ed, BOSSed and TesLODed, and Really Almost Everything is Viewable when Distant! Amazing! If my Archive was ever Valid, I don't recall! And I can't see a thing beneath my blasted Helmet Head! Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! And I've got every bit of it Steamsaved!


Come on, y'all! Send a shout out to your favorite modder! Azura only knows how many labor hours all this modding totals and I have it, any of it, available for download any time, anywhere. Bring on Skyrim! And long live the Pantheon of Modders whose deserved apotheosis must only follow Tiber Septim himself! And my character, of course. Because you wouldn't want to cross that one when he's riding rough shod across the sky. Lightning is in his grasp and a trail of fire marks his comings and goings. I am Rex Septim, the true heir to the throne! I hear the trumpets in unison, calling for my coronation right now. Got to go. There's probably a mod for that, somewhere...


Thank you. Thank all of you. Very much. The world you create is the battleground of my dreams.

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Beautifully said and I heartily agree! :biggrin:


As wonderful as Oblivion is on its own, the mods that are out there - everything from the essentials to catering to my whimsical vanity - have made it truly spectacular. Many thanks to all the modders who have given me so much entertainment, fantastic challenges and endless beauty!



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