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Making a message


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Be a bit more specific as to what your trying to do. Do you mean a message that pops up when you pick up the note or the message on the note itself? The former requires a script the later is very simply just go under items>notes then right click and hit new and it should be self explanatory. If its found in the world you may want to copy a note already there so it comes with a world model to do this change the ID of the note then hit OK youll get a pop up just say okay then find your new note and edit the name and message in the note.
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if its just a piece of scrap paper with text on it for a quest its very simple if u want to create a holo tape with spoken text its a bit harder and i have not done those myself yet did do lot of notes related to a previous dungeon i made for f3 and those worked like a charm even when incorperating them in a quest script.
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