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Caravan Bug


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Hi, the bug in question is the one where, when you win you get double the caps you should because the caps you bet are not removed from your inventory.


I read that this bug was present in the vanilla game but having only just started my first playthrough I have no idea if this has been fixed. Also I'm using a few mods and would rather not have to go through the process of disabling each mod one at a time to find out that its "normal" but obviously if it isn't normal its likely to be a mod causing the issue.


It's driving me insane so far and I really want to play the game but things like that are game breaking when I have made an effort to make it harder to get a mountain of cash easily. If I need to avoid caravan I will but it would be a shame considering I enjoy it.


Thanks for any help :)

Edited by Panbot3000
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