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What classes will you create


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so a Paladin i guess :) heavy armored warrior with healing skills :D

Nah, Paladins are good and noble. I'm just gonna hit stuff until it stops moving. More like a very neutral cleric who is often mistaken as a bi-polar, manic-depressive, kleptomaniac. :thumbsup:

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going to be a khajit for the first time.


light armor stealthy dude. focusing perks on sneak attack damage and sneaking, blade/DW, alchemy, smithing spending just enough to make dragon stuff with left over perks going in light armor and marksman


going to see if i can use little to no magic. planning on only using the lowest level invisibility spell as an escape only tool and then using runes to simulate traps


don't know how far i'll go before i cave in and use restoration though

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In Oblivion and Morrowind, I usually wind up playing a stealth/archer/melee type, with light armor or an unarmored mod. Alchemist, sneak thief, some light magical skills (restoration mostly).. I called this character a 'Ranger'. I know, insert Drizizizzzizit joke here.


In Skyrim, this character will be a dual wielding type if I play it. I'm not sure though, I may go for a redguard or nord warrior with a 2 handed weapon as preferred combat style.. since it's Skyrim.

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I want to play a character who uses magic to enhance his combat prowess and physical protection. He likely won't use shields so that he has a hand free for magic, and will thus rely on stealth for part of his defense. I want him using summoned weapons primarily and some destruction spells for ranged combat.
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This is so hard for me to decide. I usually like to be an Argonian thief, but after talking with my friend, he said that HE wanted to be an Argonian thief and that got me thinking of doing something different. But Argonians are my favorite race... dang it this is tough. I have 3 that I've though of doing. An Argonian thief, a Khajiit battlemage/spellsword, and an Orc barbarian named Grognak :thumbsup:
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