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What classes will you create


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I will definately start with a Gandalf sort of character at the start! so i can try out the ranged magic and swords at the same time!


this will be a full blown Wizard with sword skill!





i might hack the perk system to see how alchemy and Smithing works at full perked out trees, i know boohoo hacking!



if i find that worthwhile my second character: a nord warrior will have smithing, and my imperial assassin alchemy

Edited by BelgarionNL
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My goal is to create the fastest and hardest-hitting character possible. Until I see the complete perk trees I won't know for sure, but my initial toon will be as such:


1. I will put every single level-up into Stamina

2. I will use a Conjured 2-handed Mace

3. Perks will be Armor Penetration, 2h Damage, Crit-on-Charge, extra damage from Conjured Weapons etc...

4. Will use any and all buff trees that can be used to stack more damage: I assume Alchemy and Alteration.

5. I won't wear any armor unless Light armor has absolutely no stamina side-effects. Nothing can impair my stamina generation or sprint speed/ability.


The goal will be to basically blitz around like a crazy person with basically unlimited sprint while kiting enemies and 1-shotting them with charge crits. Should be a complete blast if it works how I hope it will.


Edit: And I will play whatever race has the best racial for such: right now it looks like either Redgaurd, Orc, or Nord. But that'll all depend upon what exactly their racial abilities do.

Edited by stormguy85
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I'm gonna be senile taxi driver.

Ooh. This is an excellent idea. :whistling:


I'll probably play a warrior-type right off the bat. Heavy armor, sword, board, and enough healing magic to keep me alive.


After that, it all depends on how the game mechanics actually work and what goofy-assed mods I have downloaded from here. I'm pretty flexible.


Yes, just like that. :huh:

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I'm gonna be senile taxi driver.

Ooh. This is an excellent idea. :whistling:


I'll probably play a warrior-type right off the bat. Heavy armor, sword, board, and enough healing magic to keep me alive.


After that, it all depends on how the game mechanics actually work and what goofy-assed mods I have downloaded from here. I'm pretty flexible.


Yes, just like that. :huh:



so a Paladin i guess :) heavy armored warrior with healing skills :D

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