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What classes will you create


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I have been considering having an experimental character as my first character, and by that I mean just not really specializing in anything and using weapons and magic or whatever I feel like the situation calls for. I am mainly doing this because I want to test the waters with fighting dragons before I try figuring out how to beat them specializing in bows or something lol. But none the less my next character will be a Archer, and utilize crippling poisons and on the rare occasion an enemy reaches me I will pull out my duel shortswords to quickly and mercilessly cut them down. Between the slow time shout and sprinting/dash shout most enemies will die before they get anywhere near me. As far as fighting dragons go I will have to try and save my best poisons for these creatures and utilize my shouts wisely.
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Magefist-A mage who uses hand to hand to supplement their magical powers. I plan on using only what this character has on them for combat except items like potions and food. No armor, no weapons, just fists and magic. Maybe heavy armor gauntlets for my fists but even then unlikely.
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1st run: Nord warrior using a shield and 1H (haven't decided what one yet, they are all pretty sweet) Will most likely dabble in a bit of restoration and maybe alteration as well.


2nd run: Dunmer or Argonian assassin vampire. Will focus on 2 daggers, bow, and heavy stealth. Will try to avoid conflict as much as possible but when I can't, I'll kill and flee quickly.


3rd run: Dunmer or Breton mage. Heavily focused into fire if Dunmer and frost/shock if Breton


I can't wait to play the game and see how these change to something entirely different as I discover new fun abilities. =)

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Breton swashbuckling magician. Dual wielding longsword/shortsword, no armor, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, and lots of speechcraft.


I like to play cinematic and flamboyant types :D

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I basically only played as an archer in Oblivion. But this time around I want to have one hand for destruction and the other for a small dagger. I like stealth. Any thoughts on the best fitting race for this?
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