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This is going to sound insanely simple....


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This is such a simple issue, but could you please explain how I can save G.E.C.K. files and REOPEN them later? Because every time I save them they save as .esp's, and I can't open .esp's in the G.E.C.K.




You have to open Fallout3.esm AND the .esp. If you're going to continue work on the .esp, remember to set the .esp as your active file.

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well, actually, you can open esp files in the GECK


if you want to edit an existing plugin, just click on it, then click Make Active File (or something like that), which should change it into Active (you'll see it in the status of the plugin, to the right of it)

then just load the plugin, and every change you make will be saved to it


if that isn't your problem, could you expand a bit about it, and help us help you??

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you do know that you can open more than one plugin in the GECK at any given time, right??


when you open the GECK, and open the box where you choose which plugins to load, you can select as many plugins as you want (if you allow multiple masters, it will also work for esm files)


there is also a button in the same window, named Make Active or something like that

when you choose a plugin who's status is plugin (not Master), and press that button, it's status should change to Active File, meaning that anything you'll do and save, will be saved to that plugin

if you have no active plugin, the GECK will make you create a new plugin when you'll try to save your work


hope this helps

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just to make it easier for you, i'll explain it better and more accurately (now that i see it all before my eyes)


when you open up the GECK, at the top menu, click File -> Data

this will open the box where you choose which plugin to load into the GECK

on the left you'll see the plugins' name, and on the right, it's status

there are 3 status options: Master File, Plugin File and Active File


a Master file is every plugin that is tagged as Master, which is treated like an esm (though it doesn't have to be an esm file, it could be an esp file)

you can't modify master files through the GECK by changing these plugins, but you can make new plugins that use them (like masters, as the name states)

Plugin files are normal files which you can modify and use

however, these can't be used as masters for another plugin (as far as i know)

the Active File is the one plugin that you are saving all changes to, if you choose one (to do so, choose the Plugin File that you wish to modify, and click on the Set as Active File button, and you should see it's status changing from Plugin File to Active File)

there can only be either one active file, or none (no active file means that you will create a new plugin when you save the changes, and that plugin will be considered as active until closing the GECK or loading different plugins or such)


after you choose the plugins you wish to load, simply click OK, and let the GECK load them (it will appear to freeze, but that is ok, just let it work and it will do it's job)


after loading the plugins, do whatever it is you wanted to do on the GECK


when you wish to save, simply click File -> Save


i hope that explains all you wanted to know

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if a plugin isn't active, then any changes done will not be saved on that plugin


the work you do on the GECK is always saved onto the active plugin

if there is no active plugin, you will create a new plugin, and save the changes onto it (the GECK automatically makes it the active file after you create it, which happens when you save for the first time)


does this answer your question??

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