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Need help figuring out what is causing the crashes


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ok so now a new problem seems to have arisen I'm not sure if it'll continue but, after I finished the Fighter's Guild quest for Lord Rugdumph, I go outside and try to fast travel to Cheydinhal (not sure if that's how you spell it)


and I crash when I try to, I might try to walk there myself then try fast travel again later to see if it's just because I was in that area


edit: I also seem to crash after casting heal on myself multiple times, but I don't really know if that's related


edit 2: so now it seems to be a specific area that causes me to crash rather than heal, cause I took the same path as before and it crashed me


edit 3: 3rd crash, and I took a different direction, atm I'm starting to think it's something to do with the distance from Rugdumph's estate


edit 4: after loading a different save file that was near the start of this quest, I started crashing randomly in the area now, either before I face the Ogres, after I kill some of them, or after I finished the quest,


I haven't really been around this area before the quest so, I don't really have anything to go by to what may have affected the area,


but I have tried to clean dirty edits with TES4 edit on the following mods

(because BOSS told me it needs cleaning)




-Slof's Horses Base.esp






-CM Partners NPC.esp

-CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

Edited by Seviraph
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It might be helpful to list the mods you have installed as well as the version of oblivion that you are using and the windows version and install location.


I've already listed the mods I have installed on the first post


I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium

the game is installed in


C:\Program Files (x86)\ Bethesda Softworks


I'm not sure what version of Oblivion it is but I installed Update 1.2 + Shivering Isles etc

and the Unnofficial Oblivion patch + the one for shivering isle


the last thing I would want is for it to be a problem with my save file, unless there's a way to transfer quest/ character data over to a new game or something, mostly character data cause it took a long time to adjust the face the way I want it

Edited by Seviraph
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Ok, for some reason your first post wasn't showing all the text then as I didn't see the mod list, thanks for pointing that out :)


Now on to your issue. Oblivion has some serious issues at times with the game being installed in the default location as it is on your system. This is primarily due to Vista and 7 implementing user account control or UAC as everyone calls it. I would suggest trying to reinstall into a location similar to C:\Games\Oblivion or something similar outside the UAC areas. This may well resolve your issue.


You will find some good information from bben on reinstalls here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/129332-bbens-reinstall-procedure/


Good luck and let us know how it works out :)


If for some reason there is an issue with the save btw, there are ways to import the face settings using Wrye Bash, though I am not familiar with it myself.

Edited by Keirgarth
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Ok, for some reason your first post wasn't showing all the text then as I didn't see the mod list, thanks for pointing that out :)


Now on to your issue. Oblivion has some serious issues at times with the game being installed in the default location as it is on your system. This is primarily due to Vista and 7 implementing user account control or UAC as everyone calls it. I would suggest trying to reinstall into a location similar to C:\Games\Oblivion or something similar outside the UAC areas. This may well resolve your issue.


You will find some good information from bben on reinstalls here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/129332-bbens-reinstall-procedure/


Good luck and let us know how it works out :)


If for some reason there is an issue with the save btw, there are ways to import the face settings using Wrye Bash, though I am not familiar with it myself.


alright I'll give it a try, but I'm wondering if it'll work because I turned teh UAC thing off for BOSS to work, but guess it won't hurt to move it to a different location

I'll edit this post with how it went if noone else replies after me


edit: this time it may not be the best try at the game cause I have my antivirus running in the background, but it still crashed cept this time during the fight against the Ogres, I'll pause the antivirus and try again to see if there's a difference


edit 2: ok so it didn't make a difference that time I "enter" Valus Mountain i think is what it was called, and I crashed when I did


edit 3: so I decided to do a different quest, a Dark brotherhood quest, and didn't crash once while doing it, so I'm thinking it's something in that area that is causing me to crash


edit 4: so I decided to go check up on Dunbarrow Cove, and it still crashes there when I open a door, cept this door was a different 1

Edited by Seviraph
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