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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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I just thought it weird how my character of average strength who lugs a big steel warhammer, can easily holds it in one hand when he jumps, and won't drop it.
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Haha these are all great and i have another I found it amazingly off that i could walk into what i think was... "Smash and slash"?? and use my overly powerfull teli spell and grab everything then pull it over and grab it into my inventory without... stealing but when i Simple grab it the orc is all "Gaurds Gaurds!!" :blink: .
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What's so wierd about the torture chamber? Never saw it.


Well, for one, it's in a jail, where their motto is, "We treat everyone fairly." Also the fact that there is prongs and tweezers, and calipers, along with bindings, and LOTS of blood.


God only knows what they were doing in there...

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  1. Several people already mentioned the lack of toilets. How about the lack of sinks, or even washbasins? No way to wash your hands or laundry or dishes (I suppose this is easier since everyone eats their food raw from the look of it). Sure, okay, I didn't see any aqueducts around the Imperial City, so I can forgive no sinks with running water, but there should be basins and tubs. Everyone must smell horrible. And they tell me I "smell of death" even though all I've been conjuring is bound armour/weapon and dremora, not those "dead things" they accuse me of.
  2. Speaking of water, there's no drinking water! No bottles or jugs or pitchers of water. Everyone only drinks alcohol or potions. Even if they don't trust the river water, they could at least leave bowls out to catch fresh water from the frequent rains.
  3. Striking a weapon or armour that's made out of glass with a large blacksmith's hammer will repair it instead of shattering it into a million pieces.

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  1. Striking a weapon or armour that's made out of glass with a large blacksmith's hammer will repair it instead of shattering it into a million pieces.

I believe that the "glass" in Tamriel is really just some sort of hard crystal that just happens to be named the same as the material that's fragile here on Earth.

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Even worse, then. Metals can be shaped and improved by a hammer because they're flexible, not because they're hard. A crystalline structure doesn't work that way at all.
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>Salmo the Baker doesn't sell any pastries in Vanilla Oblivion


>The Dark Elf from the starting dungeon is never freed


thats because you kill him in the darkbrother hood

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