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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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that all you have to do to fix things is hit it with a repair hammer

i can carry around a couple thousand pounds of items in my pockets but i can't drag a body around more than 5 feet

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What I don't get is how a lot of characters flee when you hit them despite the fact that a sword is swinging from their side.


haha.. find it more weird.. how people with no weapons and no fighingers experience.. suddenly join in in a fight with several gaurds..

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Vampires often use silver weapons

Actually, traditional vampire lore dictates that they aren't weak to silver, that's werewolves. Vampires are weak to sunlight and wooden stakes.


so if a hooded stranger with big fangs is standing over you in bed.. you better have a wooden bed with sharp egdes..

and dont forget to eat plenty of garlic..


sorry for the double post... o_O

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And going back to Bram Stoker's Dracula, vampires were only slightly weakened by sunlight. It wouldn't kill them. Oblivion vampires aren't even bothered by garlic, with the exception of one vampire in particular who states that he doesn't understand why it affects him and not any other vampires.
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<rationalisation> Well, some of the people standing around are probably the rich upper class who don't need to work for their money. Some are definitely beggars. As for the rest, perhaps they're married to the people you see working in the shops, and so they don't need to work. </rationalisation>


Still, I never see anyone else buying anything from these shops except me. It's a tough job being the sole source of income for the empire.

Actually people buy stuff all the time.

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