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Want to create Anti-Human (Misanthropy) Perk


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I want to make a perk that deal maybe +5% more damage to human target, i just need to know the condition parameter part; the 'getis <?>', part. i know the vanilla 'Purifier' perk uses getis for creature types, not sure if it'd be the same for humans though. also, was wondering if it was possible to make a perk that everytime you killed a human target, you automatically received caps, like a cash bounty Edited by blackhand8657
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i think that you should look at how the Living Anatomy perk is made

i am quite sure it uses the specific commands you need, because as far as i recall, it does give you a 5% damage bonus against humanoids, so that should be about the same as you want


as for getting caps, you could go about it in two ways

the better way, in my opinion, is to have money added to the corpse, like the ears\fingers in the perks for Fallout 3

the way i like less, is to automatically add the money to your inventory, which could also work, but it will probably cause more problems


i hope this helps

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i think that you should look at how the Living Anatomy perk is made

i am quite sure it uses the specific commands you need, because as far as i recall, it does give you a 5% damage bonus against humanoids, so that should be about the same as you want


as for getting caps, you could go about it in two ways

the better way, in my opinion, is to have money added to the corpse, like the ears\fingers in the perks for Fallout 3

the way i like less, is to automatically add the money to your inventory, which could also work, but it will probably cause more problems


i hope this helps


this actually helped quite a bit, thanks dude. the idea about the cash bounty is good, i forgot about the FO3 perks. i might upload this mod eventually too. thank you again for your help

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