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Melee draw/holster animations


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I had a go myself but I suck at animating... Can somebody redo the melee weapon draw and holster to look like drawing out a rifle. So the player pulls it from behind his back (over his shoulder)? Edited by TheLozza
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you mean that you want every single one handed melee weapon to be drawn from behind the characters back??

like, you want the character to draw a tiny knife, as though it was a giant two handed sword??

i quite doubt anyone would do such a thing, as i think it really doesn't make any sense


however, what you can do, is just make a copy of the animation used for 2 handed melee weapons, and rename it to the one of 1 handed melee weapons

i don't know if you'll also need to change the location the weapon is holstered, or how to do so, but that *should* change the animations to the ones you want


of course, don't do anything like that without first backing up the files you change, just in case

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2handmelee grips the melee weapon like the wearer has a backpack, it draws by reaching under his torso, it also has 2hands on the grip. It's not pointless at all, in all movies, games the person has a weapon holster on there back, or even on their backpack. Think of The Book of Eli. The only 1handmelee weapons are only knives, swords, machetes. The Bumper Sword would even look better drawing like this. (- that would change the chainsaw to though-)

Edited by TheLozza
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