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Editing savegames


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I have been playing with the JASS tome-based magic system and having alot of fun, but I ran into a big problem before I realized it was a problem. You get tomes for different magic categories in the starter dungeon only. I left the starter dungeon with only 2 tomes, both of which were for minor skills for my char. Now I am crippled in learning magic because I lack some of the tomes. If I had a way of aquiring the tomes I need, it would be problem solved.


If I knew how to edit a saved game I could add them to my inventory I suppose but I'm not having any luck finding that info on any Oblivion forum. Or perhaps there are console commands to add items to your inventory?


Can anyone help me?

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Do the Dark Brotherhood line of quests.

In one of the missions, you are asked to go back to the area in which the game starts.

Hate to break it to you, but the areas aren't the same. The DB quest is done in a duplicate area which doesn't contain most of the stuff from the tutorial. The only way to re-enter that area is to use a coc cheat, or start a new game. You could always suggest that the maker of the mod changes that aspect of their mod, or provides an alternate way to obtain those items... Since the tutorial is one of those areas people are just plain sick of, so may have just TGM and TCL the whole way though, not stopping for anything.

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Looks like good news but I will need a little help. I used UltraEdit to find the item names of all the tomes. But using the additem command fails to get results. Removing the tomes already in inventory also fails to get results.


Here are some item names:





Specifically in the mod info there are scripts that are run at startup that add these items to the players inventory. Here's a line from the script:


Player.additem JASSInitSCROLL 1


Then he goes on to add the other tomes to characters in the startup dungeon WITHOUT TELLING US!


Heres a couple:


CGThiefSkeletonRef.additem JASSTomeofDestruction 1

CGGoblinBossREF.additem JASSTomeofMysticism 1


Ok... well... it seems odd to me that I can't get the console command to add them to MY inventory that way...


I am typing in console:

player.additem JASSTomeofDestruction 1


And I get back that the item can not be found / identified.


I don't know if I need to reference the path of the mod or what. Any help anybody can offer would be greatly appreciated.

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The reason it's not working is that you need to enter the form ID, not the object ID. However, as I said, this can get VERY complicated when the item is added by a mod, and is NOT reccomended.

Additionally, the items added within those scripts by that mod probably don't even work because they're using the Object ID rather than form ID. Meaning that you would need to make a quest within that mod to give you the items you want, or would need to place those items in a cell near you within that mod. You may also want to let the author know of his mistake so that it can be fixed.


Even if the Object IDs were working, since those items are being placed on bodies and containers which aren't perminant, even going back with "coc" wouldn't work after the area was loaded and you've already left. Either the mod was designed to be used with a new game, or the maker of the mod didn't plan it right.

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Wow, I have solved the issue! Turns out that every item the author placed a tome in was persistent in the dungeon after all. I assume it was because they were labeled as 'essential'? ANyway, I worried that they were no longer there, but with a dilligent search I found the dead bodies I needed to find. What an awful but educational experience!
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