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Pieces of armor show up floating and one question


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Ok, so I am having an issue when it comes to Nifskope, on certain armors I copy and paste another piece of armor from, I adjust the size/location, and apply. When I go in game with it, the piece is either floating near me, or has been pushed to around my and and deformed. Anyone know and tips on how to avoid this or what causes this?


Now for my question. How do I add weapons to armor. I want to add a cowboy repeater to the the belt of an armor. Is this possible?



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I'm a beginner, so I don't know how helpful I'll be, but I'll try.


Are you *just* editing it in NifSkope? That might be your problem...


From how I understand it - and again, I'm just learning - every major edit (repositioning, etc) has to be imported into Blender:


1. Import your .nif

2. Delete existing skeleton

3. Adjust armor to your liking

4. Re-confirm textures

5. Select armor pieces/body parts you want to import

6. Import default skeleton with settings of "import skeleton only + parent selected meshes"

7. Unselect and select ONLY the skeleton

8. Export (the tutorial I read said with shadow maps)

9. Open up NifSkope, do last minute editing (From the resource: "Open in nifskope, select the body portion and change the shader to shader_skin. Make sure shader flags shadow_map and sf_window_environment_mapping are checked.")

10. Click spells -> update all tangent spaces

11. Save

12. Try it in game


I don't know if that will help, but...hopefully it might be a start. The resource I got all this from was here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_armor_mashups_for_fallout


Forgive me if I told you a lot of stuff you already knew. But it does sound like something's getting lost in the import.

Edited by LadyAubrie
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Nah, I am making armor mash-ups in Nifskope. I have no idea how to work Blender. I had it last week, and started to make some armor, but when I got to rigging it back up, for some reason I didn't know where to start. I had tried Blender, because I was told all scaling and positioning was to be done in Blender.
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