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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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312: The Orcs didn't come from anywhere. All of a sudden they appeared and had to start mooching land off the Bretonians
Malacath is the Daedric prince whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized, the keeper of the Sworn Oath, and the Bloody Curse. Malacath was created when Boethiah ate the Aedroth Trinimac. The Orsimer ("Pariah Folk" in Elvish) or Orcs were also created, as they were Trinimac's devout followers. Malacath is not recognized as a Daedric Prince by his peers, which fits his sphere perfectly. The Dunmer say he is also Malak (or Malauch), the god-king of the Orcs; he always tests the Dunmer for physical weakness. Malacath spurns physical weakness, hence the above-average strength of the creatures associated with him.


Orcs were born during the latter days of the Dawn Era. History has mislabeled them beastfolk, related to the goblin races, but the Orcs are actually the children of Trinimac, strongest of the Altmeri ancestor spirits. When Trinimac was eaten by the Daedroth Prince Boethiah, and transformed in that foul god's insides, the Orcs were transformed as well. The ancient name for the Orcs is 'Orsimer,' which means 'The Pariah Folk.' They now follow Malauch, the remains of Trinimac.


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can you spell 'burned'?

What does that have to do with anything? Bodies have weight. Just go into a town, any town, find someone, and kill him/her. Then, use the "z" key to try and lift it. Actually, dead bodies are close to of not the heaviest non-static objects in the game...then again...static objects don't have weight...

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314. (?) If you play for hours at a time, your son will make fun of you.


315. If your son plays for hours at a time, you know he's downloaded a nudity mod.


316. If the two of you don't stop playing and do some chores, your wife is going to beat you.

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314. (?) If you play for hours at a time, your son will make fun of you.


315. If your son plays for hours at a time, you know he's downloaded a nudity mod.


316. If the two of you don't stop playing and do some chores, your wife is going to beat you.


hahaha :D

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314. (?) If you play for hours at a time, your son will make fun of you.


315. If your son plays for hours at a time, you know he's downloaded a nudity mod.


316. If the two of you don't stop playing and do some chores, your wife is going to beat you.


hahaha :D



LOL true


317.) the adoring Fan will survie a Fireball that does 100 Damage and Seconds 10 and frost and Lightning


318.) The Adoring Fan Will ALways SAY Azura Azura Azura until U throw him into Oblivion XD


319.) heavy armor is still slow!!


320.) In oblvion it always HOT!

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