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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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631 - If you steal, for example, the greaves of Hieronymus Lex and leave another greaves, he will do his round with a poo of trousers... He don't take the greaves you left there! (I left the greaves on his bed, and he slept with them)
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You mean 570.


571: The tilt of the planet is less than 2 degrees. This explains why there are no seasons.

From Brian S:

Technically, the void Nirn and the other planets are set in is infinate. It's not a void in the traditional sense, but a space where Nirn sits, and where all the infinitely large planets sit. The Aedra are planets, and the sun really is a hole. Nirn is flat, the Dwemer confirmed this.


And yes, Nirn is pretty much Lorkhan when you get down to it, his fragmented consciences more or less. Everything within the world does owe itself to Lorkhan.

A flat plane has no tilt.

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Is it allowed to use mod examples? I doubt that. Anyways



576. Even you dance naked in front of Raminus polus he still wont offer you a place on the university without the 7 recommendations


577. Somehow every child in cyrodiil were whipped out , Could it be the dwemer? If not , The orcs...


588. The people of tamriel have no idea were they get their food from or how , They just eat,eat,eat.

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Is it allowed to use mod examples? I doubt that. Anyways

There's no rule against it, but many people won't get the joke. Everyone (save that one guy) has done Vanilla since everyone is familiar with it.

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You can start a riot when every one likes you, just by attacking a guard.

If you leave poison apples lying around long enough, there going to be eaten.

The dremoras below valkynaz aren't wearing any armor-thats there skin.

There are hundreds of ways to do the quest "Whoddunit" and every one of them are funny.

Invisibility can still be seen, however 100% chameleon is completely gone from sight.

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589: Apparently everyone in Tamriel has a void where there panties/bras/underwear are suppossed to go. This allows them to carry the thousands of sharp, pointy and giant objects while still bieng able to have children. This also explains the reason of why (without mods) you can not take off said panties/bras/underwear.


590: mixing components for bread i.e flour, wheat. . . wont actually make batter. It will howeever restore your fatigue.


591: The Nine and/or the deadric gods prevent you from alt-tabbing.

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