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Black Silhouettes


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I have run into a game breaking problem. All the characters in the character creation screen are completely black no eyes mouth etc just a black silhouette. The characters also move from side to side instead of standing still so it makes it impossible IF I could see any of the features to edit them. I'm not sure if this is fixable or I need to do a complete reinstall.
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Solid black textures are due to missing normal maps. This is usually caused by having an esp refer to replacement textures that aren't where the esp says they are. Check your data folder and see if you have another data folder inside of it. If so, copy it's contents to the real data folder and delete the duplicate. If not, you're going to have to do some digging and find out what mod is causing this, where that mod points Oblivion to find the missing textures and why those textures aren't where they're supposed to be.
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There is probably no reason to do a complete reinstall unless you have somehow lost some of the original game files - Mods do not remove those, they just replace them leaving them in place. If you completely remove the mod that is causing problems, the vanilla (original) files will work again. Just unchecking the mod does NOT remove it.

Here is a way to get all of the original files back without reinstalling.

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game



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Thanks guys, couldn't figure out what was missing so I'm going to revert back to vanilla, your guide was really helpful bben....umpteenth remoding here I come.......I've seriously lost count i think I'm being to ambitious with my modding.
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