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FPS drops started the fight... But I WON!


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Hi everyone,


I've been struggling/fighting my way threw performance guides and tweaks (I don't even know how many I've tried anymore), to have a more stable framerate (or at least less hiccup/slowdown), without luck... That, before today...


First, and foremost, my game is HEAVILY modded... But, not to graphicly intense mods... Just, a lot of mods!

My PC:

Intel Core2Duo 3.1ghz

4gb ram (667, low speed!)

Windows 7 64bit (so, no ram loss)

Sound Blaster Audigy 4 (I know, it's old, but it works!)


Before, I tried most everything... I tried to change the resolution, all the options... Some FPS... 5 more or less... (But, ugly!)

OSR (Oblivion Slutter Remover) and Streamline 3.1 (patch) didn't seem to help much either... Until today, when I though of forcing an higher fps rate!


Now, I get 30-40 FPS (forced (I'll explain after)) inside, outside, people, with a little cpu/gfx hiccup like when loading a new cell ranged... What I did (I didn't see it elsewhere):


In OSR, I gave it a MaxFPS of 39, LowFPS of 30...

In Steamline, MaxFPS of 36, LowFPS of 33 (read on a website that streamline should have 3 higher and 3 lesser FPS (don't know why but it works!)


And now, my game works flawlessly (compared to the 20-30FPS it did before with lots of "slow" play...

My main testing ground is exiting the sewers, at the start... When I looked at the distant land, over the water, it dropped to 20 (lowest of OSR/Streamline). Now, lowest 30 and no lag, no speed lost, no gfx loss, nothing... (Well, maybe a sneeze but it happends in every game I played!)


My second testing ground was the IC Market... Ouch... There, I usually got 20FPS cause of the many people/different things... And, it was so awful that it lagged in some places or when too many NPC's where in my line of sight... Now,even though it sneezes a little more, no discernible lag (yippi).


I know Skyrim is coming out, but I can say that I finally won the fight against Oblivion!

Mouhouhahahahahahahahah!!! Ahum... Sorry!


List of the mods that (probably) have helped!


Operation Optimization v1.1.1b


Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0 + sup (you gotta love the effort they put in!)

Streamline 3.1 (duh!)

Oblivion Stutter Remover


(And the ones that surely didn't help, right?)

HGEC Body 1.21.omod




All in all, about 99 ESP/ESM...



Anyway, I play a little more and if I have something new, I'll add it up!




P.S. Ok, after some more testing it might slow down just a little... Back to the drawing boards! :P

Edited by Vortaka
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