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Hello everyone.. i'm a elder scrolls fan for some time but of all the time i wasted trying to mod nothing ended right, i've consulted lots of websites regarding to the TES construction kit and i still dont get it, i mean i know how to put doors, houses, new npc in the game world but i dont know how to create new weapons, armors etc and it bothers me the most that i cant make my own scenario and story.. pls help me people.
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Hello Damixinho!


Your topic seem vague. I can't really get out the point of it? Do you mean just working inside the construction set, or do you talk about learning to model/texture and/or script?


If it's the first, then it's simple: you ask a lot. The Construction set is slightly tricky, but is straight forward. You don't need any specific skills or loads of practice to make what you want, you just need time.

The wiki is quite usefull for this kind of things. It got the information you need.


If you mean the latter, then it's tricky. Modelling and texturing takes a lot of practice, and it will take years before you get any good at it. Learning to model/texture only to mod Oblivion/Skyrim is not reccomended, as it will swallow a lot of time.

Scripting, on the other hand, is not as time consuming and goes with the Construction set. It does, however, take some patient and a few long nights.


If by "cant make my own scenario and story", you struggle to use your fantasy, I suggest watching some movies, reading a few books and generally think of anything fanatasy-related that interest you. Watching some fantasy series and reading some lore does help. After watching the serie "Supernatural", I got my mind around at least 12 possible mod-ideas. After googling some, I got a few more, build up on what I got from the serie.



I am sorry if nothing of this answer your question. I simply don't understand what you are asking, while I see you are struggling.




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Creating new weapons is easier than you might think...


If the weapon has no new meshes or textures, then right-click on a similar looking sword and select "Edit". Change the EditorID and the weapon's stats to whatever you want, then click on "Done". A popup should ask if you want to create a "new form", you should click yes. If you click no, then you have changed the default weapon - so if for example you were editing the Elven Longsword, changed it's damage to 10000 and clicked "No" then all Elven Longswords in Oblivion would have 10000 damage.


If the weapon does have new meshes or textures then right-click on any weapon, then click "new". Give it an EditorID, a name and some stats, then you have to give it a file-path. It's very simple, just click on the box that says "" and browse for the mesh you want.


The same principle applies with almost every type of object: Weapons, armour, statics, activators, etc.



To create your own story, you need to be familiar with the quest editor at the very least. I recommend you take a look at the "Beginners Guide" on the "Construction Set Wiki" to learn more. It's possible to create good short quests with just dialogue and maybe 30 lines of script in total, plus no AI or new cells.

To create more complicated scenarios, you need to be able to make more complex scripts and AI. There are many scripters out there who will help you if they think you have a great idea they want to be part of.



It's uncommon to have someone who is good at all aspects of modding, so I would recommend you practice one area of it and team up with others to make good mods. You said you can create new objects in the render window - if you develop that you can become an interior designer and level designer for dungeons.

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