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Duplication of World Spaces


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Now, I understand that you cannot duplicate exterior cells, and because of that, I cannot duplicate this world space. But, there has to be some sort of workaround; what I intend is to have two copies of an area, each drastically different, but it still is the same layout and landscape. Simply put, is it possible to do without duplicating it manually (making a new worldspace, same settings, same heightmap, etc).
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If they have the same layout and landscape, but they are "drastically different", then it must be different objects in each copy. You may want to think about having one copy, but two sets of objects. Then with enable parenting, you can switch from one set of objects to the other with two lines of scripting. Edited by davidlallen
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Well, I guess i'll give you a bit of a clue of what I am doing here; the worldspace NVDLC04NukeNCR is the worldspace in question. That would be the section of the Long 15 that gets


at the end of Lonesome Road. Considering I was already going to make use of the gate you use to access there, I figured i'd use this worldspace as a hub in between the two worldspaces. Upon actually inspecting what is there, I don't think that'll be exactly possible to simply parent objects, as I have to get rid of the crater. The special effects would be bothersome, too.

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