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Tutorials on Armor Creations/ Combinations


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Alright, so I'm really hitting some hitches on step 5. I'm not really sure about the correct way to massage the clothing piece, or exactly what messaging means. I know I'm supposed to be molding the top onto the body, but I'm not sure as to the correct process. I'm trying to use the proportional edit but I'm not sure which proportional edit to use and if I should select the entire top or just a bit of... I'm not sure what they're called, a vector? Any way, any help for step five would be great, google isn't helping me.


I have a couple of links for tuts that I can give you that can show you how to use Lattices for reshaping meshes. I had no idea what to do/how to work with the mesh for making the clothes fit a new body until I found these.


CS wiki tutorial


General Blender tut



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