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Weapon holster position?


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Quick question: Is it possible to edit the position where a holstered weapon is attached too? Like holstering your weapon of any kind in the position Lightning from Fina Fantas XIII does? or maybe like him?


Would be glad for a detailed explaination on how to do that :-)

Edited by DarkenDe
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As far as I know changing holstered weapons position would be horribly complicated. It would require a invisible holstered weapon, visible equipped one, one outfit without the holstered weapon (worn when weapon is held in hand) and one outfit with weapon holstered in the new position used when invisible gun hangs in the old location. And also a new set of animations fitting this setup would be nice.


Multiply it by number of available outfits, then by number of weapons and then by number of weapon mods that change the weapons appearance.


Or maybe it would be easier to rewrite the game.

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