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Female Legion and Powder Ganger Armor


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Okay, I know that they didn't make female meshes for Legion and Powder Ganger armor because there aren't any female Powder Gangers or female Legionaries, but... Come on! What if a female Courier wears it?


Is there anyone who can make female meshes for each of the Powder Ganger outfits and Legion armors? I just don't want them to rely on a body replacer, since I don't use one and don't plan to... yet.


My suggestion is just make it so a female NPC doesn't turn flat and manly-bodied when she wears it.


My only other suggestion is the Powder Gang Simple Outfit... I find it highly unrealistic that it gains a shirt when a female wears it. I'm thinking we could either use the bandoleer as a top, or make some sort of torn, midriff-bearing, cleavage-showing, short-sleeved (or no-sleeved) top from the Powder Gang Soldier Outfit shirt.


I've seen some mods for female Legion armors, but they all rely on Type 3 and other nude replaces, and I couldn't find a single one for Powder Ganger armors.

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Female Legion armour owuld make no sense at all. frankly I myself always hated that armour some how magically changetd what kind itw as based on who was wearing it. But yeah why would anyone make female Legion armour forma story perspective?
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Maybe they want to play as the first female legionnaire. There could be tons of reasons.

Anyhoo, like you said, the armor conversions for the body replacers already have them so that'd be my suggestion. If I was going to make it would be for one of the body replacers anyway.

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tnu is correct. Legion only tolerates females as slaves, powder gangers only have males in the prison. Trying to "blend in" would mean looking as much like a male as possible. Showing off some drop dead gorgeous figure and a huge set of breasts would be a dead giveaway I think.
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Sigh... What gets me is that no matter who suggests a new mod, no one actually agrees that it should be made, or at least doesn't say so if they think os. You only get people saying reasons you shouldn't make the mod, even though they're not going to use it if it's made anyway... Which, logically, would give people willing to make it reasons not to make. And the sad thing is, most of the people who do this are Nexus long-timers...
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Well, sorry if logic seems to rule the day here.


Ultimately, if someone is willing to do something, it usually is because they find what ever the idea is interesting enough to either want it themselves or curious about it, or it's a 3 minute edit and super easy to do.

Sexifying Legion armor or Powder Ganger prison attire might not be that interesting to anyone capable of doing it or worth their time, or it could be but that one person hasn't come across the thread yet. /shrug

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