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Mixing Spells


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Well all i can say is since spell mixing (2 different spells mixing into one magicka style) doesnt appear to be present for skyrim... when it comes out i got 3 words to modders in regards to spell mixing... Midas, your up! :D


One cannot argue that the midas spells is one of if not the best magic mods throughout the elderscrolls.


Could do alittle better on speech of the npc but you have to give him credit, it did almost sound like Valen among many of the other npcs throughout the game... just alittle more echoey from the mic.

Edited by Isharu
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Perhaps you mean mixing elements into a single spell?


Like mixing ice and fire?

That i do my good man, that i do.


Oddly there could be the possibility of unlocking a greater power to merge elements that normally would not, for instancing using the example of fire and ice, rather than getting water, get a nice ice ball that shatters upon impact then explodes into flames.

Edited by Isharu
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Fire and lightning might be cool. Fire and ice maybe could be a water spell... and lightning and water could be promising too.
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Perhaps you mean mixing elements into a single spell?


Like mixing ice and fire?

That i do my good man, that i do.


Oddly there could be the possibility of unlocking a greater power to merge elements that normally would not, for instancing using the example of fire and ice, rather than getting water, get a nice ice ball that shatters upon impact then explodes into flames.


The great thing about dual wielding and laying the ground work for combining spells is it unlocks the door to expand more, then you add the graphics reworking among all the rest, this game could open a lot of mod opportunities, if you can really run a lumbermill someone could write up a mod that you not only run it by working it, but by hiring staff (homeless beggars) who live and work at the shop. While the shop takes in income through selling wood kept in a stock chest which pays the workers salary and provides a bit of pocket change for our hero.

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I will say this though, the only downside with some of the midas work is, its sometimes to epic in scale, makes it bump and mix badly with surrounding objects, granted some of bethesda's spells do that too... its just a shame there wasnt a way to fine tune those little details.
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fable 3 style spell weaving.. that would be cool but I would think it to be a very hard mod to pull off .. thousands of combos .. or only do a few and just not have the other work .. leaving the player to figure out which two can work together .. and even then your gonna have to do a lot since skyrim seems to have different ways to use each spell .. hold down the trigger and fire becomes a flamethrower .. tap it and you shoot a fireball .. its an endless nightmare of compatability .. I'm going to go ahead and bet than no modder ever implements it correctly.
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