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Mixing Spells


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You would have to limit the spell mixing. Fable 3 did a pretty good job, but they only had so many spells you could do.....in the Elder Scrolls, by the Nine you would have hundreds of combos!


However I thought at first that's was Bethesda was doing, I was sort of disappointed to see that you can just cast the two and they would not mix for a special effect. Oh well....38 more days though :thumbsup:

Edited by SynysterShadows1213
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fable 3 style spell weaving.. that would be cool but I would think it to be a very hard mod to pull off .. thousands of combos .. or only do a few and just not have the other work .. leaving the player to figure out which two can work together .. and even then your gonna have to do a lot since skyrim seems to have different ways to use each spell .. hold down the trigger and fire becomes a flamethrower .. tap it and you shoot a fireball .. its an endless nightmare of compatability .. I'm going to go ahead and bet than no modder ever implements it correctly.


On the bright side if someone did try to do it, as you said thousands of combo's they will always have new stuff to add and never get bored :D. But they could turn a frenzy with fire into a flaming man frenzy :D Burn damage over time while hes going crazy killing things.



Oh and 2 more days :D

Edited by Isharu
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