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So I wasted hours at modding and the game doesn't even work


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It´s allways good to have the data folder backup in some other place, I had 70 GB of oblivion and allways have backups of the data folders in external hardrives.I cleaned it though so now I have 40 GB.I can´t imagine having to reinstall everything again.With the working back up I just need to reinstal the game and move the data folder into the reinstalled data folder.Another thing I do when I get crashes is uncheck all the mods and try one by one, or to be faster uncheck and try oblivion only then check the landscape mods and try then animation mods then clothes mods etc...if there is a crash during that process you just need to delete the mod that´s causing it. Edited by scot
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Forgot to do it : Did it now, and the textures are working correctly. The guards aren't glitching anymore either with what missing legs and such. I'll play thru the tutorial now and see how it works outside of the prison (or if it crashes...) and report back then. There's still few mods I have to install too.


Also something I'm wondering about : Are there any other mods in which I should use archive invalidation after installation? When I did it, it didn't work at first so I had to de-activate and re-activate the mod and then do it for it to work.. Do I have to do this for all my currently installed mods?


Edit : weird glitch happening. Is this because of Deadly Reflex? When I ready my weapon, or put it back, the action happens twice like so : Press F and it does the movement as if I drew my sword but it's just my hand moving about (sound effects play though..), then, it does it again right after it, with this time actually drawing the sword. Same goes for putting the sword away and I do have to say that it is rather annoying.

Edited by Distrance
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Have you used some form of Archive Invalidation? If not use BSA Redirection. And if you're running a Steam Install you'll also need to use File Date Changer to rollback the "Last Modified" dates of the .bsa archives that come in a vanilla Oblivion (plus DLC) install to somewhere around 2005.


Have you installed archive invalidation invalidated?


This program is unnecessary. OBMM and Wrye Bash's Archive Redirection option use the exact same method to achieve invalidation.


Forgot to do it : Did it now, and the textures are working correctly. The guards aren't glitching anymore either with what missing legs and such. I'll play thru the tutorial now and see how it works outside of the prison (or if it crashes...) and report back then. There's still few mods I have to install too.


Also something I'm wondering about : Are there any other mods in which I should use archive invalidation after installation? When I did it, it didn't work at first so I had to de-activate and re-activate the mod and then do it for it to work.. Do I have to do this for all my currently installed mods?


Edit : weird glitch happening. Is this because of Deadly Reflex? When I ready my weapon, or put it back, the action happens twice like so : Press F and it does the movement as if I drew my sword but it's just my hand moving about (sound effects play though..), then, it does it again right after it, with this time actually drawing the sword. Same goes for putting the sword away and I do have to say that it is rather annoying.


After you've implemented redirection once you should never have to do it again. It works by "last modified" dates so the most current texture will always take precedence over the vanilla content. Hence, I mentioned having to rollback the dates on the archives that come in a Steam installation. They report a newer date than an installation from disc.


Your animation glitch is most likely DR related though I'm not sure on how to go about troubleshooting it as I've never messed with DR.

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Yea I implemented alterattion NOW, after installing loads of mods. Does this apply for any other mods aside from the text. pack or do I have to de-activate and re-activate those mods again? And I say alteration because the Texture pack said so in the instructions.. to use alteration.


More glitches : I got rid of the weird animation effect, but now there's a graphical glitch. When I draw my bow, the end of the arrow isn't displayed properly and my hand which is holding the arrow also disappears.. How do I fix this? This also happens for my left hand whenever I swing my sword.. the hand is displayed briefly on the left as I swing, and parts of the hands are missing o.O


Also I can't see my sword properly.. Is this also because of DR or was Oblivion always like this? What I mean basically is that even in first person it appears somewhat zoomed and the sword is against the right edge of the monitor and you can't see all of it.. I don't recall it looking like this though. Same happens when I cast spells.. my hand is raised above the screen and I can't see the magical effect aside from the sparkles around me when I heal .. wtf? I'd take screen shots of my problems but the game crashes when I enable them in the ini -.-.

Edited by Distrance
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More bugs hooray : I got out of tutorial and to Imperial city. No crashes there so it's '' stable '' I guess, except that the Imperial City was bugged as hell. There was portion of Imperial city behind the actual city that was missing a lot of textures .. just floating walls and whatnot, but this was the case with the actual city too.. from the outside, and from the inside. a lot of '' WTF?! I'm missing a mesh '' stars.. How do I fix this?
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More bugs hooray : I got out of tutorial and to Imperial city. No crashes there so it's '' stable '' I guess, except that the Imperial City was bugged as hell. There was portion of Imperial city behind the actual city that was missing a lot of textures .. just floating walls and whatnot, but this was the case with the actual city too.. from the outside, and from the inside. a lot of '' WTF?! I'm missing a mesh '' stars.. How do I fix this?


are these the settings you're using when you do archive invalidation using OBMM. This is what you ought to use.

(can't say much about BSA redirection, this is what I do)

Edited by NikhilR
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Doesn't matter which settings I use ; The towns remain glitched and i don't understand why.


Hi could I send you my oblivion.ini file? Pm me your email.

Use that instead of the one you have (back it up) and see if that works

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I got rid of the graphical glitch by de-activating Better Cities. However, as I want to use Better Cities, I'm not sure what to do now..? As soon as I enable Better Cities and whether I run it thru archive invalidation or not, the towns are glitched.


There's also still also the issue of the weapon/magic/hands being glitches/out of screen and whatever. This also has caused weird crashing to happen : If I disable Deadly Reflex which I believe is the cause of this '' problem '', the game no longer loads but crashes to the loading screen when loading a save. If i enable DR again, the game will load normally, but the glitches are present ...




Edit : got DR glitch somehow fixed meaning it doesn't crash now with it disabled. However, as I do want to use DR, I'm at loss what to do now because I find it retarded that I'm missing half of my hands and the spells/sword are so zoomed in/high up that I can barely see them.

Edited by Distrance
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I got rid of the graphical glitch by de-activating Better Cities. However, as I want to use Better Cities, I'm not sure what to do now..? As soon as I enable Better Cities and whether I run it thru archive invalidation or not, the towns are glitched.


There's also still also the issue of the weapon/magic/hands being glitches/out of screen and whatever. This also has caused weird crashing to happen : If I disable Deadly Reflex which I believe is the cause of this '' problem '', the game no longer loads but crashes to the loading screen when loading a save. If i enable DR again, the game will load normally, but the glitches are present ...




Edit : got DR glitch somehow fixed meaning it doesn't crash now with it disabled. However, as I do want to use DR, I'm at loss what to do now because I find it retarded that I'm missing half of my hands and the spells/sword are so zoomed in/high up that I can barely see them.


oblivion shouldn't crash when taking screenshots. I don't use Better Cities (tried it once and the lag was quite intense) With an Fcom install I think better cities might run into problems, you should ask at the better cities mod forum here on the nexus.

From what I can tell, better cities is mainly a graphic overhaul of the cities (a lot of the city layout is also changed apparently. When I had it running, most of the NPC's just stood in the streets dumbfounded, not knowing where to go.

Not to say the cities didn't look pretty, but the action with fcom is outside the city walls, in the forest and the creepy dungeons.


You're using deadly reflex 6 right? It comes with a more immersive third person camera, i.e Deadly Reflex 6 replaces the first person animations with 3rd person animations to give an immersive first person view that's why you can see your hand when you draw your bow, and everything looks zoomed in.

I find it more realistic,

try this,


This can be fixed through editing the Oblivion.ini, which can normally be found under "C:\Users\"Your user name here"\Documents\My Games\oblivion"


Look for the line "fNearDistance=10.0000" and change it to "fNearDistance=0.0000".


This was an optional step in the installation progress of the mod.


Compare what you see with the deadly reflex 6 video's posted on youtube. I'll post an image from my side later tommorow.

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