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So I wasted hours at modding and the game doesn't even work


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It doesn't crash when taking screenshots, it crashes when screenshots are enabled from ini and I try to load my game o.O. I'll see if I can get xFire working with it and take scrn shots thru that if i run into any problems. Thanks for the Reflex fix, I prefer it as normal and not as '' immersive '' as you say. When I installed DR thru OBMM, it should be noted that it never asked me that optional step ...


I also might have found a fix to the BC problem.. I'll try it in a moment and report back.


As for the graphic intensive thing, I think I'm fine with my rig. And if I'm not, all it should require is some overclocking for my processor and I'm back in the business (5Ghz can be easily reached..). At least, that's what I was told because apparently Oblivion is more a CPU hog than graphic card.


Speaking of graphics, what other texture mods do you recommend? Qarl doesn't include the Oblivion for example, or armor/clothes among other things and it would be nice to have those looking as good as the other textures.

Edited by Distrance
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Did what you suggested with DR : It still doesn't work ... sword/magic is outta screen and the graphical glitches are still present.


BC is now functioning correctly, I had completely ignored the '' Resources pack '' and had only downloaded main files and '' Permanent resources ''.

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Edit : nvm what was written before.


So I think I got Liquid Water now working, but I'm not sure.. how do I know? I don't even remember what the water is supposed to look like in Vanilla. Also does Liquid only really affect how it appears on surface? When I '' dive in '', it looks as plain and boring as it did in Vanilla, it's almost like I'm floating in air, not swimming in water..


I got the DR graphical glitches fixed by running TES4LODGEN that for some reason no longer came up with the DR error, but the immersion problem remains.. I cannot seem to turn it off to the normal version.. what to do?


Also : I got All Natural installed.. I think it messes with the weather .. or something, I'm not really sure. Anyway, whenever I load a game, there's a huge thunderstorm going on. Does the weather really carry over even when you quit and load a game? Cause now as it is it seems that the storm will go on and go on...


Also got some weird graphical glitches in my Tab menu.. I'll post them here when I figure out how.

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  On 10/6/2011 at 11:02 PM, Distrance said:

Edit : nvm what was written before.


So I think I got Liquid Water now working, but I'm not sure.. how do I know? I don't even remember what the water is supposed to look like in Vanilla. Also does Liquid only really affect how it appears on surface? When I '' dive in '', it looks as plain and boring as it did in Vanilla, it's almost like I'm floating in air, not swimming in water..


I got the DR graphical glitches fixed by running TES4LODGEN that for some reason no longer came up with the DR error, but the immersion problem remains.. I cannot seem to turn it off to the normal version.. what to do?


Also : I got All Natural installed.. I think it messes with the weather .. or something, I'm not really sure. Anyway, whenever I load a game, there's a huge thunderstorm going on. Does the weather really carry over even when you quit and load a game? Cause now as it is it seems that the storm will go on and go on...


Also got some weird graphical glitches in my Tab menu.. I'll post them here when I figure out how.


Liquid water eliminates the sharp edge of the shoreline that comes with vanilla water. Looks less like oil, also imparts a distance fog underwater, look over the screenshots and the demo videos (also on the nexus page of liquid water)

I didn't think you might want to revert to vanilla animations for deadly reflex, but this is how you'd do that,

go here



and remove all the files and put them in another folder (keep them safe)

Now the game will revert back to vanilla first person animations, after you do archive invalidation (OBMM) (include meshes as well in the archive invalidation settings I've provided in the image (earlier post).

Must do archive invalidation or your game will crash.


Also in wyre bash turn off DRsplatter.esp (it may corrupt save games)


All natural has an .ini file that you can tweak to lessen the chance and hours a thunderstorm would occur. You can do the same with other weather types.

Will need screenshots to sort the tab menu glitches.

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I dont want to remove the animations for DR, they're one of the reasons why DR is great. However, like I said, I want to get rid of the immersion. I want to see my weapon properly and my magic casted properly instead of going '' outside '' of the screen. Maybe there's certain file I should delete if I only want to get rid of this?
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  On 10/7/2011 at 11:27 AM, Distrance said:

I dont want to remove the animations for DR, they're one of the reasons why DR is great. However, like I said, I want to get rid of the immersion. I want to see my weapon properly and my magic casted properly instead of going '' outside '' of the screen. Maybe there's certain file I should delete if I only want to get rid of this?


I believe if you only remove the skeleton.nif file you could keep the animations and use the vanilla skeleton, though I've assumed that the modified skeleton.nif is require to have the animations work properly.

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It's weird though.. I got different modified skeleton that was suggested to me at DR comment section, but the skeleton remained exactly same as it was before installing the new skeleton...


Oh and I tried it ; If I delete the skeleton file and then run Archive Invalidation, I no longer have any kind of '' skeleton '' in 1st person mode.. my sword and whole body is invisible.

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Well I think I can live with the '' immersion '' the DR brings, because at the DR page I was told there's no way to remove it, only tweak it with the fnear (tho it doesn't work for me but oh well..)


Anyway.. I got Fearsome Magicka now installed, as well as Sounds of Cyrodiil though not sure if either of them is working as I've not played much. The game appears to be stable so far, but there's a problem for minimizing/exiting the game : Whenever I minimize the game, and return, all I see is black. Whenever I close the game, it just freezes and doesn't close. I also installed the crash prevention thing but it didn't help at all.


Any suggestions for more mods? What I specifically want is more texture/graphic mods to enhance the '' eye candy '' the game could offer. The Qarl's texture pack only enhanced the building textures and such, but things like clothes, weapons (I think..?) and for example, Oblivion Gate and inside Oblivion remain untouched.


Only one graphical glitch for now, and that is in the map menu. The blackness I assume is fog, but that red square overlapping with the map puzzles me.. http://www.xfire.com/profile/distrance/screenshots/?view#118411995

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Fast Exit 2 fixes crashes upon closing the game.


Oblivion has problems with alt+tab because Windows begins storing Oblivion's resources on the page file once focus moves away from the Window. There's a couple of alt+tab fixes out there on the Nexus though they get mixed result. Some people claim they work great and people like myself see no noticeable difference. The most common advice here is simply don't alt+tab out of the game.


There are a few texture packs for Oblivion worlds, and I personally suggest EVE Variants for a female body replacer as it is a "one stop shop" for all of the different HGEC body types and clothing to match the body pieces you choose. HGEC looks best with the high res textures installed. I personally recommend the 2048 version as there's no noticeable difference between the two so far as I can tell at 1920x1080 and get the facial textures available there as well. This goes without saying, but whenever using any texture pack you should go with the least intensive version that you can see a difference with as going to higher versions is just eating unnecessary resources. Robert's Male is by far the most common male body replacer though you'll need to play around with bash tags to get both a male and female body replacer working together.


Your map problem somewhat resembles what happens when you use the 100% version of a menu mod when you should be using the 75%. Is the problem only existent on the local map screen or have you noticed it elsewhere? You could have also unknowingly replaced Dark Darn's local map .xml in which case a simple reinstall should fix that issue.

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It's just on Local Map wherever I go. What do you mean by 100% and 75% values?


I have met yet another problem with Deadly Reflex, or at least I think it's by DR : This isn't exactly a problem I suppose but lack of skill or my understanding of the mod .. So what I did was exit Imperial City and head to the first place on the main quest near Chorrol. And what happened was that I died to the very first wild life animal that I came across. my sword did almost no damage at all, and I could only take two hits and then I died.. Though I had no shield, I doubt that it would have made much of a difference.


Also not related to any of the above but is there a mod to modify how invisibility skills work? I find it retarded that if you're invisible but then open a door to exit/enter a building or interior within a building will make the invisibility to disappear. A mod to '' fix '' this would be appreciated.

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