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Constant CTDs and Freezes Outside (Modded Game)

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Here in 3 images


No errors while creating merged patch but there are a few errors when checking some of the esm and esp

CTD and freezes in certain places and while fighting a lot of monsters

My computer specs are sky high

I5 2500k


so no problem here

anyone please help?

Edited by Daniella
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In FOMM, you can copy your load order as text (to paste here) by going to Load Order -> Copy to clipboard.


You should sort your load order, as a lot of plugins are in the wrong places. You can do that via FOMM's Load Order -> Boss auto sort.


You should remove the Mart's Mutant Mod master menu module, zones respawn, natural selection and tougher traders esp's, as they are included in the FOIP patches.


Get the unofficial EVE FOIP patches, as the current FOIP patches are out of date. Also make sure that you are using the fixed flamer mesh, as the one in the main EVE download causes CTD's - it is under "Updated Mesh" on EVE's download page.


* edit - just spotted the placement of the FWE alternate travel esp, I'm guessing that you aren't performing a master update? If not, once you've done the above, see the instructions here.

Edited by iFSS
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