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Fallout book cover for critique


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Working on a Fallout setting book for my gaming group. I figured the folk around here would know better than any if the cover I put together fits the spirit of the game. The version of "War" that starts this book off as follows:





War never changes.


Everything has a beginning. Even the end.


Hidden in the sleepy hills of east Tennessee lies a city that does not exist. Built to refine the materials necessary to created the atomic bomb, its existence was never made public to the world. It was here that the bomb was made. It was here that the Chinese struck hardest. It is here that the greatest secrets of the lost age are said to lie buried beneath the ash and radiation.


Six weeks ago the radiation abruptly disappeared. Why remains unknown. The news spread quickly, and scavengers from across the wastes have come to find what lies within the Secret City...



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