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Stuck, need options


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The main quest, The House Always Wins II, is stuck halfway through. Upon getting to my friends' house, I found that I froze the quest accidentally. I'm not even sure if I can get any of the faction endings to work now. The Legion hates me, House has his chip back and Yes Man is still asking for it. As far as I can tell, the NCR option is the only one that I haven't botched. I am playing on the ps3 and only keep 2 saves (for space on the memory).



1: The first thing I did was go to the Strip, then I talked to Mr. House. When I was wandering around the strip, I found Yes Man in the Tops Casino


2: I agreed to complete the Yes Man tribal quests. I made friends with most of the tribes. I got the power armor from the Brotherhood, raised the bomber from the lake, and replaced the leaders at the Gomorrah. I handled the cannibals in a peaceful way (poisoned wine), but I ignored the Great Khans.


3: I found Raul, at the top of Black Mountain. He said that Mr. House was actually a good dude. When I go back to talk to Yes Man, he admits he helped get me shot. So I changed my Mind.


4: When I went back to talk to House, I'm pretty sure that the Platinum Chip was removed. I was teleported to the basement and saw the upgrades myself. He then instructed me to go and upgrade his army of robots under the fort.


5: My active quest (House Always Wins II) says that I need to install the chip into the terminal to the rear of the building. I have a quest marker and have the options to activate the console, but no chip is in hand to make it work. Upon review of the wiki articles, this is a frozen quest. I will probably just finish the game with another faction if I have to.


With over 80 hours into this game, I find it lame that such an obvious problem exists in the quest data. Why is the chip removed at all? Why would they remove the chip from your inventory before a beginning requirement for plot development? This makes me want to quit the game entirely. I don't find the game worthy of replay value. It is as stale in vanilla as Oblivion was. It is pretty much go here and get this, talk to somebody or kill something. I can't wait to be able to get another computer capable of handling these games. Ps3/Xbox 360 versions suck!! These games are made to be played modded to the max. After playing both es4 and fo3 with mods, this just seems lamed.


After all the tedium of playing this game, I find that fo3 is a far superior game. The worldspace is far larger, the quests are more textured and the flavor of the game is more captivating. I still haven't done everything in vanilla fo3, I make new characters frequently (even without my computer).


From modding Oblivion, I realize how difficult it is to make a game work properly, especially with so many quest variables. For $50 per pop however, I would expect more playtesting in the main quest. I would have hired a couple of skilled players to break, exploit and find all the bugs from the main quest at least. You can play this a couple of hundred times and make different choices, but all outcomes are predictable. I haven't even beaten the game once yet and I already have an idea of what to expect around most corners (literally and proverbially).

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Despite having played through the main quests I don't know how many times, I can never remember the details but... on that note...


You didn't mention Caesar. When you went to the fort to enable the securitron army, did you first talk to Caesar to get the chip? (Who I think either got it from Benny, assuming Benny fled the strip, or from you when your equipment was removed at the entrance.)


signed: fuzzy memory

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First, thanks and kudos to the two of you who posted.


Second, yes I did talk to Caeser to get the chip. I ran through the game on easy a couple of times to see what I did wrong. It appears that if you complete the yes man quests, you have a specific order to complete Mr. House's quests. For those in the future who might stumble into this thread, it is as follows:


1: Meet Caeser. You can either free benny or not. You can free him after you upgrade the securitrons too.

2: Upgrade the securitrons. The chip will not be removed, however you lose out on a couple of xp.

3: Return to Mr. House. If you do this step first, the chip will be removed and you can't get to the next part of the Main Quest unless you work with the legion.

4: Complete the rest of the game


I have tried this a couple of different times now and find no reason why it should work that way, other than a main quest script variable being set prematurely by the Yes Man quests. I dunno.


Thanks again,


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