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nHancer now has Oblivion AA/HDR support


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Now nHancer(Home Page) the "Advanced Control Panel and Profile Editor for nVidia cards" Has support for applying AA and HDR simultaneously.


For some games, the driver has to work around certain problems to make Anti-Aliasing possible.


For example, some games can't use AA because they're using HDR (high dynamic range) rendering. If the game doesn't follow certain rules, the driver can't apply AA unless it's 'bending' some rules.


Using this option, such 'bending' can be applied. Some valid values are already defined by nVidia, and you can select them from the drop down box. There might be other values, though, but their meaning hasn't been determined yet.


You can try to enter any hexadecimal value into the box if you want to experiment or if nVidia starts to use new values, nHancer isn't aware of yet.


http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/2900/obliviononnhancezx3.th.jpg The Oblivion Profile

http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/4760/nonhancepc6.th.jpg No AA

http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/8849/withaahdrya4.th.jpg AA/HDR

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